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Show 170 POLrTICAL AND COMMERCIAL nth: of all But the Misfortune is, th::t the Coloni- \‘ will not con lent to this Partition or Power an i Jillil-Cllfilong confequently any Scheme of (hp: ai 1111‘ is utterly impracticable. Indeen the late Stamp AEt itfelr'was no other than a Part of this very ‘3-‘3teme: For the Money to be railed by tha; ‘ax, was to be applied to the file U o of the Lolonies, and to be €a‘;'io12tl'€(l no loo/1‘ re e/fo but in the Colonies. Nay it was not the Moiey, nor yet the third, northe fourth Part of the Sam which (172ml. Britain was to have railed on the Lune Account, and to have expended in the lime Provincesrusx mxions was the ancient intluigeni Patent not to lay too heavy :i Burden on her favourite Children. But alas! FLIVUUMCS O'l‘all Kinds leldom make tholc returns of Gratitude and Obedience, which might be €XPCClEd. For even as to that boatted Loyalty, which the Colonies have hitherto pro. felled to maintain towards his Majefly King Georgor-this hands, and mutt itand, according to their prelent political Syltein, on a» precari- ousa Footing a: any of the red of our (ll ims: For it the Brz'lz'j/z Parliaments have no Right to make Laws to bind the Colonies, they CCl‘L.ill]lY ought not to be allowed to prelcribe to them who flux/loo t/zez'r [flog -,--- much lels ought they to pretend to a Right of enacting, That it {ball be a molt capital. Ofice'tce, even HIGH TREMJN MC", in a Colonifi to dare to controvert ihle ' ' Tite SUBJECTS. 17: Title of any Prince or any Family, to the flmorz‘ozm Throne, whom the Britifli Parliament lhall place thereon. BESIDES, fome of thofe lower Houfes of Affembly (which each Province now affects to call its Houfe of Commons) have already proceeded to greater Lengths of Sovereignty and Independence than a Briiiflz Houle of Commons ever prefumed to do except in the Days of the grand Rebellion. For they have already arro- gated to themfelves a Power of difpofing, as well as of miflng the public Monies, without the Confent of the other Branches of the Legiflaturc; which is, in fact, nothing leis than the Erection of f0 many fovereign and independent Democracies. Nay more, there is a general Combination and Confederacy entered into among them all: For each Houfe of Allembly hath lately appointed a l'tanding Committee for cor- refponding with the [landing Committees of other Provinces, in order the more effectually to oppofe the Authority and Jtirililiétion of the Mother-Country. WHAT then is to be done in luch a Cafe? Evident it is beyond a Difpute, that timid and temporiling Mealtires ferve to no Other Purpole but that of confirming the Colonies in their Oppolition, and {trengthening them in their prefent Revolt. ‘ SC HEME |