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Show 16o POLmCAL AND COMMERCIAL} S the Right of the. Mother Country .9. The Man U B E J C T S. [61 offer. For an undoubted Fact it is, that from the Moment in which Canada came into the who can maintain thele Paradoxes, lS incapable of Conviction, and therefore is not to be rea. Polleflion of the Eaglz'f/z, an End was put to " But the Stamp-Ari} the Sovereignty of the Mother-Country over " made bad to become worfc: W'I‘he Stamp. " Act irritated and inflamed, and greatly en. her Colonies. They had then nothing to fear from a foreign Enemy; and as to their own do- " created all thole ill Humours, which were but u too predominant before." Granted; andI many Years preceding been accuftomed to tref- foned with any longer. will further add, that any other A61, or any other Meafure, of the Bri/iflz Government, as well as the Stamp-Act, if it were to compel the Colonil‘ts to contribute a fingle Shillingto. wards the general lixpence of the .Brz'tz'flz Em- pire, would have had the fame Ethel. For, be it ever remembered, that the Colonifis did not f0 much object to the Mode of this Taxation, as to the Right itfelf of levying Taxes. Nay, their Friends and Agents here in England were known to have frequently declared, That if any Tax were to be crammed down their Threats without their Confent, and by an Authority which they difallowed, they had rather . pay this Stamp Duty than any other. mefiic Friends and Relations, they had for f0 pafs upon their Forbearance and Indulgence, even when they molt wanted their Protection, that it was no Wonder they {hould openly renounce an Authority which they neverthoroughly approved of, and which now they found to be no longer neceflhry for their own Defence. BUT here fome may be apt to allc, "' Had the " Colonies no Provocation on their Part B And "was all the Fault on one Side, and none on " the other 5'" Probably not :~ Probably there were Faults on both Sides. But what doth this ferve to prove P If to exculpate the Colonies in regard to their prelent refractory Behaviour, it is needle-f3; forl am far from charging our Colonies in particular with being Sinners above BUT indeed, and properly fpeakmg, It was others; becaufe I believe (and iflam wrong, not the Stamp-Aét which increafed or heightened let the Hiltory of all Colonies, whether antient thefe ill Humours in the Coloniflts; it was rather the Reduction of Canada, which called forth or modern, thofe Difpolitions into Action which had long been generating before; and which were ready Ifay, 'till that is done Ibelieve, that it is the Nature of them all to afpire after Independence, to bunt forth at the firf't Opportunity that 1110;: and to fet up for themfelves as foon as ever they o . from the Days of T/mrya'z'de: down to the prefent Time, confute me ifit can) L find |