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Show 134. POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL S'UBJECTS.135 Mother Country always to prevent) f0 conve- niently as you can in Times of Peace; and therefore, there was no Need of watching you f0 narrowly, as far as that Branch of Trade was concerned. But immediately upon the Peace, the various Manufactures of Europe, particularly thofe of France, which could not find Vent before, were fpread, as it were, over all your Colonies, to the prodigious Detriment of your Mother Country; and therefore our late Set of Minif'ters acted certainly right, in putting in Force the Laws of their Country, in order to check this growing Evil. If in lo doing, they committed any Error; or, if the PerlOns to whom the Execution of thefe Laws were intruded, exceeded their Inl'truétions; there is no Doubt to be made, but that all this will be rectified by the prefent Adminil'tration. And having done that, they will have done all that in Reafon you can expect from them. But alas! the Expeftations of an American carry him much further: For he will ever complain BUT, my good Friend, be afi‘ured, that thefe are Rel‘traints, which neither the prefent, nor any future Minif'try can exempt you from. They are the {landing Laws of the Kingdom; and God forbid, that we {hould allow that dillpenfing Power to our Minifiers, which we fo jufily deny to our Kings. In {hort while you are a Colony, you mull: be fubordinate to the Mother Country. Thefe are the Terms and Conditions, on which you were permitted to make your firlt Settlements: They are the Terms and Conditions on which you alone can be entitled to the Alfiflance and Protection of Great-Britain;-they are alfo the fundamental Laws of the Realm.-,---andI will add further that if we are obliged to pay many Bounties for the Importation ofyour Goods, and are excluded from purchaling fuch Goods, in other Countries '(where we might purchafe them on much cheaper Terms) in order to promote your In- teref't;---by Parity of Reafon you oughtto be and fmuggie, and fmuggle and complain, 'till all Rellraints are removed, and 'till he can fubjec‘t to the like Exclufions, in order to pro-mete ours. This then being the Cafe, do not t‘Xpeé‘t, from the prefent Miniftry, that which is both buy and fell, whenever, and wherefoever impoffible for any fet of Minif‘ters to grant. he nleafes. All that they can do, is to connive a while at Any thing fhort of this, is {till a Grievance, a Badge of Slavery, an Ufurpation YOUY unlawful Proceedings. on the natural lug-his and Liberties or a free People, and lknow not how many bad Things but of fhort Duration: For as foon as ever frefh Remonf'trances are made by the Britiflz befides. Manufacturers, and Britiflz Merchants, the M1- BUT, 14 But this can be nifiry |