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Show I36 POLITICAL AND SUBJECTS. COMMERCIAL 137 nil'tty mull renew the Orders of their PredeceITors; they muf't enforce the Laws; they muf't require Searches, and Confifcations to be You with to be an Empire by itfelf, and to be made; and then the prefent Minif‘ters will draw all your Speeches, and all your Writings, even when you take ibme Pains to difguiie it.- "What! an Ifiand! A Spot fuch as this to upon themfelves, for doing their Duly, jull the fame Execrations, which you now bcflow upon the laf'r. So much as to your firPr Grievance; and as to your fecond, it is, beyond Doubt, of a Na» ture {'till worfe. For many among you are forely concerned, That they cannot pay their Britt/h Debts with an flincrircm Sponge. This is an no longer the Province of another. This Spi~ tit is uppermol't; and this Principle is vifible in "command the great and mighty Continent of "North-America ! Prepollerous! A Continent, "whole Inhabitants double every five and " twenty Years ! Who therefore, within a Cen"tury and an Half will be upwards of an " hundred and twenty Millions of Souls!- intolerable Grievance; and they long for the "Forbid it Patriotifm, forbid it Politics, that Day when they {hall be freed from this galling Chain. Our Merchants in London, Brifloi, Li- "fuch a great and mighty Empire as this, "fhould be held in Subjeclion by the paltry verpool, Glzyg'ow, €66. €996. perfectly underftand "Kingdom of G7‘Edt'Bi'il‘flilZ! Rather let the " Seat of Empire be transferred; and let it be "fixt, where it ought to be, viz. in Great " flmerim !" your many Hints and lnuendoes to us, on this He ad. But indeed, left we fliould be to dull as not to comprehend your Meaning, you have fpoken out, and propofed on open Aiiociation againlt paying your jull Debts. Had our Debtors in any other Part of the Globe, had the Franc/z or Spaniards propofed the like (and lurely they have all at leafi: an equal Right) what Name would you have given to fuch Proceedings? But I forget: You are nor the faithlel's Franc/z or Spaniards: You are ourfelves: You are honeft Engliflzmm, YOUR third Grievance is the Sovereignty 0f Crew-Britain: For you want to be independent: You Now my good Friend, I will not {lay to difpute with you the Calculations, on which your Orators, Philolophers, and Politicians have, forlbme Years pail, grounded thefe extravagant Conceits (though 1 think the Calculations themlelves both fall‘c, and abfutd) ; but I will only fay, that while we have the Power, we may command your Obedience, if we plt'afe: And that it will be Time enough for you to Purpofe the making us a Province to /1mwim, .V when _‘ \llilll'ltl‘ |