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Show 202 POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL. SUBJECTS. 20'; that it would be to weakened and enfeebled by be a free and independent People, over whom thel-e Colony-Drains, as not to be. able to defend we lay no Claim; and then by offering to guar- itfelf from Invaders, yet a'merim is at too great a Diltance to invade it at firll‘, much leli; to defend the Conquell of it afterwards, againfi; the neighbouring Powers of Europe. And as to any Notion that we ourfelves fhould prefer an American Yoke to any other, this Suppolition ecaule it is much more is chimerical indeed : probable, were Things to come to fuch a dread- ful Crifis, that the Eilgli/Il would rather fubmit to a Freer/I Yoke, than ro an A'mrrz'mn; as being the IelTer Indignity ofthe two. So that in fhort, if we muf't reztlon in Politics according to the Newtonian Principles in l'hilolbphy, ~- the Idea of the lefi'er Country gravitating towards the rantee this Freedom and Independence againfi all foreign Invaders whatever. AND, in fact, what is all this but the natural and even the necefiitry Corollary to be deduced from each of the former Realms and Oblerva- tions? For if we neither can govern the flmgyi. mm, nor be governed by them -, it we can neither unite vith them, nor ought to l‘ubdue them; what remains, but to part with them on as friendly Terms as we can? And if any Man fhould think that he can reafon better from the above Premifes, let him try. BUT as the Idea of Separation, and the America; unlels indeed we lhould add one Ex- giving up the Colonies for ever, will lhock many weak People, who think, that there is neither Happinefs nor Security but in an over-grown unweildly Empire, I will for their Sakes enter into a Dilcufiion of the fzzppafld Diliadvantages travagante to another, by {uppoiinzr that theft attending luch a Disjunftion 3 and then will let greater, mull lead us to conclude, that this Illand would rather gravitate towards the Con- tinent of Ezrrcpe, than towards the Continent of U flmcrirmz her es are to conquer all the ‘v‘\"(,>rld. forth the manifold Advantages. And in that Cole I do allow, that England mull THE, firfi: and eapitalflzppafed Dillidvgintage is, become a Province to (Ymerz'ra. But Sci/amen flit/Mir [arias r'zrzbrzifle dolarir. DISMISSIN 0 therefore this Idea, as (A,. "" 9724!, 2f we fipamie fmm [/16 (clatter, war/3m]! 10ft their Trade. But why [0? And how does this appear? The Colonies, we know by Experiencfi, will trade with any PCOpIe, even with their bitterefi Enemies, during the hottell ofa War, \ p" idle Dream, we come now lallly to eonIider m FIFTH SCHEME. To propole to feparam entirely from the North-flmericmz Colonies, by declaring them to and a War undertaken at their own earnel't Requell, and for their own Sakes ,-~ the Colonies. Ill? I |