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Show POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. his and their Dignity, and the Relation of Friendfhip and Family-Ties fubfilling between we have amply and particularly ihewn, that his Apology to the fliizm'mm in Behalfof the Britt/l; 194 them. x95 Parliament, for paying the Arrears of his Ma- ADD to all this, 6thly, The uncommon Dear- ielty's Civil Lill, was quite a needlefs Thing. nefs of all Sorts of Provifions, which for fome For if no fironger Proofs can be brought of their Venality and Corruption than this lnl ante, Years pail hath exceeded any Thing known in former Times ; and which alone hath aélually fwelled the Amount of Houfe-keeping in every anlhip of thole Liberties and Properties, which Family to a very confiderable Sum. Now the young Gentleman having fupported hind-elf under thefe feveral Preffilres and grow- they have hitherto not only prelerved, but, alfo ftrengthened and encrealbd to a Degree unltnown before in this, or any other Country. ing lixpences for ten Years together, at lafl is in one W'ord, the Scheme of an Union under our prelentCOiilidei‘atirin, is of inch 3. Nature. obliged to requefi‘ his nearel‘t Friends and dearRelations to grant him fome Alliflance; be- cauie he is 513l. or a/mcfi‘ z/zr'ee 527510;"!ch ofa Year in Debt. Heavens! VVhata Sum! And is this all againl't which luch loud Outcries have been railed ? Yes, this is all! Therefore, indignant Reader, whoever thou art, Eng/M17124" or flmerirmz, lay thy Hand on thy Heart, and allt thyfelf‘ this plain Qiefiion, What wouldfi thou have thought of fueh a young Man, had he been thine own Son, thy Grandlbn, or the Heir-apparent ol‘thy Fortune? And what Sort of Treat- they {till may be fif‘elytrufied withthe Guardi- as would neceflarily tend to exalperate borh Parties, inltead of modifying; or reconciling either. And as the flmei'imm have already given us to underlland, both in .theirl'rovinclal Afl'emblies, and at their General Congrelles, that they will not accept of an Union with .us ; and as Great-Britain ought not to petition {or it; furely more: Let Nature and Humanity, JufliCC and more need not be added for laying the Scheme alide. Indeed the Gentleman himlElf, towards theClole of-his iiibnplilet, expi‘elTes but-little Hopes of its Succei‘s: for, after all, the belt Ule he can put it to, leems to be the ~lul‘tification of the Mother-Country in declaring War .ngainl‘t the Colonies, in order to oblige them 50 Equity, plead their own Caule. lubmit to her Authority, and to return [0 their WE have now, I think, very lufliciently difetifiEd every Part of this Gentleman's Plan: NBY :Obedience. ment would he have deferved at thy Hands? Therefore, mutm‘o naming-But I will add no we So that this .scheme ofl'acilication N 2 .33 |