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Show 162 POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL find that they "‘6 able to l‘ublil.1I, without being beholden to the MotheroCountry. And if our Americans have xpreli‘ed themlflelves looner on thi‘ Head than others have done, or in a- more dirv % and dating Manner, this ought not to be ll";‘t1f€d to any greater Malignity, or lngrati~ tude '1] them, than in others, but to that free m" notion, witiz‘h is the Prerogative and Bond of us all. We ourlelves derive our Origin li'om thole very Saxons, who inhabited the lower Parts ofGermrmy; and yet I think it is {ulhciently evident, that we are not met comw plaillint to the Delcendants of thele lower 54mm, i. e. to the Ollst'iring of our own Progentors; nor can We with any Colour of liealbn, pretend to complain that even the Bo/iozzicznr have treated us more indignantly than we have treated the Iz'mzoivrrz'am. What then would have been the Cale, if the little inhgnificant Elec‘lotate of Hanover had prelumed to retain a Chum of SO- verelgnty over inch :1 Country as GrraflBrimz'n, the Pride and lVlitltc'ls ,. f the Ocean P Andyet , I believe, that in Point of l‘lxtent or Territory, the file/did Electoral Dominions, inlignilicant as they are lbmetirnes repreknted, are more han a Moiety of England, exclulive of Semi/2d and trim.- VVheietis the whole lflsnd of Oral!- Brz'mm, is ltarcely a twentieth Part of thole vall Regions which go under the Denomination of Nari/z - America. Brsrnrs: SUBJECTS, 163 BESIDES, if the American Coloni es belonging to France or Spain, have not yet let up for In- dependence, or thrown ofi‘ the Mafk {0 much as the Eizgliflz Colonies have done-«wha is t this {aperior Referve to be impute d to? Not to any greater filial Tendernefs in them for their rcfpective antient Parents than in others ;---n0 t to Motives of any national Gratitude, or of national Honour ;-~-but becaufe the Con ditution of each of thofe parent States is much mor e arbitrary and defpotic than the Con fiitution of Great-Britain; and therefore their rel‘pe étive Offsprings are *5 awed by the Dread of Pun ilhments from breaking forth into thofe Outrages, which ours dare do with Impunity. Nay more, the very Colonies of France and Spain, though they have not yet thrown off their Allegianc e, are neverthelefs as forward as any in dilbbeying the Laws of their Mother Countries, wherever they find an Interefl in {0 doing. For the Truth of this Fact, I appeal to that prodigious clandelline Trade which they were continually carrying on with us, and with our Colonies, contrary to the exprefs Prohibitions of France and Spain: AndI appeal alfo to thofe very free Ports which the Britzflz Legiflature itfelf hath lately opened t But notwithfianding this Awe, it is now pretty geneTally known, that the Franc/J Colonifis 0f Hgfifiazzio/a en- deaVOured lately to (bake of? the Government of Old 17mm", and applied to the Britgfl Court for that Purpofe. L z for m» w . j" tumult-i |