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Show POLITICAL AND' COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. as convincing a Proof, as can poffibly be delired of the Truth of thefe Pofitions :»- And hence alfo we may obferve, that the Riches of England fer, let us fee whether the Weight of that will in many BranChes, and the Riches of Scotland vation is, " That all human Things have the and Ireland in fame Branches, are mutually all fillant to, and reciprocally advantageous to each " Seeds of Decay within themfelves : Great " Empires, great Cities, great Commerce, all other: For by mutually conluming and wear- " ofthem receive 21 Check, not from accidental 54 ing each other's Manufactures, the Englzfl, Swlt/I, and 171.42, become the better and the greater Cufl'omers to each other, THE 3d Objection needs not a Reply lo long, and laboured at the fecond: For when the Gentleman prOpofed, that the poorer Country fhouldfirf't begin with the coarfer and more fimple Manufactures, and then proceed Step by Step to others more operofe', complicated, and expenfive, 'till at lavft it had fupplanted the rich one 55 make up for the Deficiency of the Others. Now his 4th Objection, or rather his Obfer- " Events, but from necefl'ary Principles." From all which it is implied, that the richer Nation cannot maintain its Superiority over a poorer one; becaufe when it comes to a certain Period, it mul't neceflarily fall to Decay-,-«I fay, this mull". be the Inference intended, otherwife the Obfervation is not applicable, and has nothing to do with the prefent Subject. HERE therefore, as the Ideas and Terms made ufe of, are borrowed from the State of in all its Trade and Manufaétures,--~he unfortunately forgot, that in Proportion as his poorer Country made a Progrefs in thefe Thinars, in the fame Proportion, or nearly the fame, would the Price of Labour, of Provilions,-and of raw Ma- natural Bodies, and from thence metaphorically transferred to political Confiitutions, one Thing terials, advance likewife; {0 that all thefe ima- cay within tlieinle1ves, mult die fooner or later, ginary advantages would vaniih away like a therefore political or commercial lnl‘titutions are fubjeél: to the like Fate, and on the fame Dream, when they were molt wanted, and when he molt depended on their Afiil'tance. In fact, his not paying due Attention to this Circum1tance was probably the very Thing which led: him and others into fo many Errors on this llead. But as he had one Objeftion more to of- fen is taken for granted in this Argument, to which Icannot readily aITent. It is taken for granted, that as all Animals, by having the Seeds of De.- Principles. Now this remains to be proved; for the Parallel doth not hold in all Relpec‘ts; and tho' it be true that the Body Politic may come to an End, as well as the Body Natural, there is no phyfical Neceflity that it 272119. A Set‘ D 4 0t «in-Ulllllllllli‘n " *7, v m |