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Show 24 POLITICAL AND COMMERCIAL into fpruce, powdered Footmen; SuBJECTS. and that robui't Breed, which uled to fupply the Calls 25 aances of others, would amafs and engrofs tgreat Efiates. Therefore 'when fuch a Nation for laborious Occupations, and common Manu factures, would turn off to commence Barbers and Hair-Drefi'brs, Dancing-Mailers, Players, Fitllers, Pimps, and Gamellers. As to the Fe- would find itfelf to be much in the fame Circumf'tances of pretended Wealth, but real Po- male Sex, it is no difficult Matter to forefee, what prefent. Nay, when their Mines, or their former would be the Fate of the younger, the more Refources of Gold and Silver, came to fail them, fprightly, and pleahng Part among them. iliort, the whole Peeple would take a new Turn; they would really be in a much worle; and their Condition would then approach the nearel't and while Agriculture, and the ordinary me- of any Thing we can now conceive, to that of chanic Trades became fliamefully negle cted, Baron and VafTal in Po/(md and Hungary, or to Planter and Slave in the Wig/t Indies. In the l'rofeflions which fubfilt by procurin g Amufements and Diverfions, and exhibiting Allurements and Temptations, wou ld be amaz- came to awake out of this gilded Dream, it verty, as the Spaniards and Porrugmfe are at ACCORDING to this Syi'tem of Reafoning, the ingly increafed,-- and indeed for a Time en- Expedition in the late * Spamflz VVar- againfl: Cart/mgma mull: have been ill-Judged in every riched; To that from being a Nation of Bees Particular; for if the End in View had been producing Honey, they would become a N ation of Drones to eat it up. In fuch a Cafe certain it is, that tlieir indufirious Neighbours would foon drain them of this Quantity of Specie, -.-and not only drain them, f0 far as to reduce them to a Level with the poor Country, but 3112) fink them into the lowefl: State of abject Pov erty. Per haps indeed fome few of the In~ habitants, being natura lly Mifers, and forefeein g the general Poverty tha t was coming upon the (,ountry, would make the more ample Provi- .7 , , {ion tor tnemfelves; and , by feeding the Vices, and adminil'termg to the Fol lies and Extrava- anC65 only to open a Market for Briti/lz Manufactures, this End was anfwered, as far as an lza/t‘zle Met/20d could have anfwered a commercial End, by taking the Forts at the Mouth of the Haven, and therefore the Attempt ought not to have been pufhed any farther: But if the Delign was to del'troy the Fortifications round Cart/zagcna, and to give up the Town to the Plunder of the Soldiers, and then to have deferred, or to have reliored it to its former Owners at the Conclufion of the War (for furely it would have * The Reader is delired to bear in Mind, that thiikgll‘raé‘t was writtsn in the Year'1748, jufi after the Spamfi [3:23 lllllll |