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Show SUMMER SCHOOLS. 487 regenerate. Moreover, akin color entitles to no qpncial conmderation. 1 donot believe in Indian rights, any more than I do in (+arman rights, or Irish righ'hta. Thnre uhould he no sonvial richts. TLe Indian hrw the same rieltt to mko a man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ -~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ..~- of himself that a wh 6 i i a n &~:the a i m r~ig ht to live decently. honeatl~.i ndus-triously, to become a good citizen and a clezn, moral charact&. And there his rights end. But while the Government owes the Indian nothing b e c a y he is an Indian, it does owe him nomething because he is a human being. It la the Government's dnty and privilegeto provideitscitizens with opportunities for enlightenment and livelihood. and to protect in those ri~hthts. In the case of this prarticular tnbe of Indians-the Pima-there srisas a pretty ouestion in social and oolitical ethics. There are some 8,000 people directly or ibdirccrly delmntl~nt oh the watcr rhiit flows in a certain rtreilo;nor alt,nefor tnelr proapcLrlty, but for rlreir living. It is them by all the rulos of posseision and 1.rioritvof uia. The white inan a~ooar so n the scene. and. I," reason of his sul,&~,r.*m'artnrssd, el.nres rhr ualive's'of theirhirthriCht. Rave we done right? Ant1 i f it is right from rhe n.111~m an's point of view. how is it from the red man's vi+rruuint: Ifoxut.ruber that in thcl arid rerious therocnn be no amicnlrurewith-out i;neation. The absorution of all the h e r i n the stream hvthe white man murnsa'ri~rvations. ervitudi,or Eight Tor tllererl nlau: for thedayeof luhcleshnse pas*c,l away, and in our modem times nona may reasonably expert showers of manna from heaven and them welu to be no uhilantbrooic ravens to i:arrv fdod would be Junos df the wsshtnbs, and what more glorious career could any girl worhl uf genuine honpital~ty.o f uns*.ltishnasa,o f comradeship, nnd of peace into onr world of f r d , avarice. ~eltishnv~rrin, d recklaa~e crxmllle for rain. Tllr thvr.roment mu.1 either ae<:uruw ater to r l~ela nd* upon which the Indians lire in tlw a r l~l~ c ~ ior~ 11~1nn9cfe~ c'd . a nd tnalnt~llu them. 'this latter conrso is vir.llt?lly p;$llpr?,:lti ,rn. In this iddress I have epoken ],rinr!piilly i l f >lull for tho Pimil. Hut tLe randition t,i thls rrlbe 1s typical of all I~,dinn,locatedouresersa- |