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Show INDIAN SCHOOL SITES. Biver~ide Sohool, California.-By the Indian appropriation act, approved May 31, 1900 (31 Stats... D.. 244.).. Con.m. ess u.r ovided: Fur t1.e cstnhlahqwnt, in ihr dlsrrenon of !be Secrptsry of the lnrtncr. of an Tndia8l sthuol at or near Klvrrwdr. (:alrionlla nm?d+d That a a~imblca 8 k earn be ubtained rltrre for 8 rraeonalsle rultm. tn bs r.., r ~ c dby the <:c~nlnlikoncru f llldlsn .\ITP.lrp, u ill, the sllpmvn. r,f fhr Scvrrrar? of ihz Inu-nur i ,r 1 1 1 P~ U rChRsC I land, Ih<errenon uf hlaldm&p,a nd fur dh:r purpwd~LC CIX..~). cut tldLl~slm a c.,tmrlct~ .clmol elan^ illon the new rlrc, sevvntptive shnu\en.l d.,llnn. In pursuance of this legislation United States Supervisor of Schools Frank M. Conser, was in June, 1900, instructed tomake an investigation of all available sites, and in an elaborate report recommended an ideal site on Magnolia avenue, about 51 milea from the center of the cit of Riverside and three-fourths of a mile from Arling-ton Station on the Santa Fe &ailroad. July 31, 1900, authority was given by the Department to negotiate for the purchaae of this tmt. August 18, 1900, Frank W. Richadson and Alice, his wife, executed a deed con-veying to the United States for $8,400 the following described lots in the cit of Riverside, Riveraide County, Gal: All of lots 3, 4, 5, and 8 in block 24; lan& of the Riverside Land and Irrigating Company, as surveyed by Miller and Newmm a plat of which survey is of record in the county recorder's office of the county 03 San Bernardindino, Gal. m Book 1 of Maps, at page 70 thereof. The deed was subdoitted to the Department September 5,1900, and was returned approved September 14, with the written o inion of the Attornep-General of Septem-ber 13, as to validity of title, and with au&ority to pay for the land $8,400. It was sent to Superintendent Hall to be recorded and have abstract of title brought up to date. Thlsdeed was recorded September 24,1900 in recorder of deeds' office, River-side, Cal., in Book 112, page 261 et seq., and in this office in Miscellaneous Record Book, volume 5, pages 79 and 80. (Irand Janction, Co1o.-By the same act of Conbweea (31 Stats., p. 243) an appmpris, tion of $800, to be immediately available, was made "for the purchase of not exceed-ing ten acres of land for the urpose of sewerage deposits." Buperintendent Lemmon was instructed to negotiate ?or the purchase of suitable land, and on August 23,1900, he transmitted a deed dated Jul 24, 1900, from 0. D. Stewart, conveyi United Btztes for $600 a tract in Gees County Cola., viz the SW. t of the%? :2 the NW. t of sec. 19, T. 1 8. of R. 1 E., Ute p'rincipal miridian, containing 10 acres, more or less. This deed, dith abstract of title, was submitted to the Department Octaber 31 for the written opinion of the Attorney-General as to the validity of title. It was returned January 5. 1901, with the written opinion of the Attorney-General, dated January 3, and with authority to pay the purchase price for said land. February 7, 1901, it was returned to Superintendent Lemmon to be recorded and to have abstmt of title brought up to date. This deed was recorded in the recorder of deeds' office Mesa County, Colo., February 15, 1901, in Bwk 77, page 55, and in this office in ~iscellaneousR ecord Book, volume 6, pages 92-94. XOIIM School, YIinnesots.-By the mme act of Congrw (31 St&., p. 244) there was appro riated the su'? of $6,400, or so much thereof as might be necessary, to be immedlady available, for the urchase, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, of a farm of one hundrex and sixty acres." February 16 1901, Supervisor Edwin L. Chalcraft submitted a report relative to the outhoundakes of the proposed farm and the price at which the land could be purchased. February 23, A. Thoman submitted a deed dated Febmry 15, 1901, from Harold Thorson and Carrie E., his wife, conveying to the United 8tates for 53.680 the followine-desoribed tract: Beginning at the qusrter p L b e i n g the southwest corner of the northwest quarter (NW. %), 4 see-tian numbered thirty-one (31 m township numbered one hundred and twenty-6ve (126) north of mnge fortyune (41) west, of k; fifth principal meridian; mnqing along tee county road (~o<;ls . Minnesota, to Glenwood. Minnesota), or dong the established line of Ule sud county road, mnod 651 |