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Show 74 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OP INDIAN AFFAiflB. Two hundred and eighty-five grazing leases of Omaha allotments which were drawn for three-year terms, but approved for only one year, hecause the consideration was limited to money alone, have been approved for one more year. Fifty-five leases from this agency are in the ofice awaiting examination. . Ponca, Pawnee, etc., Agency, 0kla.-Two hundred and five farming and grazing leases on the Ponca, 91 on the Pawnee, 6 on the Tonkawa, and 33 on the Oto Reservation have been approved. The terms gen-erally are from one to three years, although a few, made for farming purposes only, are for five years. The consideration ranges from 20 cents per acre per annum for grazing lands to $2.50 for farming lands. In a great many of these leases certain substantial improvements con-stitute the principal part of the consideration. Three business leases from this agency have been approved-1 on the Pawnee and 2 on the Ponca Reservation-viz, 1.02 acres for five years for stock yards, $10 per annum; 10 acres for three years for dairy business and feeding of stock, $30 per annum, and 3 acre for five years for feeding and daughter of stock, $30 per annum. Three hundred and seventeen leases from this agency are in the 05ce awaiting examination. Potawatomi and Great Bemaha Agenoy, Kana.-Sixty-two farmingand grazing leases on thepotawatomi, i5 on the Sauk and Fox, and 11 on the Iowa Reservation. The term is from one to three years. The consid-eration ranges from 75 cents per acre per annum to $3, in addition to which a large number provide for substantial improvements. Twenty-four leases from this agency are in the ofice awaiting examination. Pnyallnp Reservation, Wash.-Eighteen farming and grazing leases. The term is generally two years. The consideration ranges from $1 to $16.50 per acre per annum, besides improvements. Round Valley Reservation, Ca1.-Four farming and grazing leases- 1 for one year and 3 for three years. Tbe consideration ranges from $1.50 per acre per annum to $2.50, which is to be applied to placing ?mprovements on the lands. Sauk and Fox Agency, 0kla.-Thirty-four farming and grazing leases by the Potawatomi, 69 by the Absentee Shawnee, 110 by the Saukand FOX1, 9 by the Iowa, and 39 by the Kickapoo allottees. The terms are generally from one to three years, although a few, for farming purposes only, are for five years. The cash considerationrangesfrom 25 cents per acre for rough, unbroken lands to $2.50 for cultivated lands. Amajority of these leases provide for some permanent improve-ments in addition to the cash rental. Twelve leases from this agency are in the o5ce awaiting examination. Santee Agency, Xebr.-Twentytwo farming and grazing leases on the Santee and 9 on the Ponca Reservation. The term is from one to three years. The consideration ranges low, from 25 cents per acre per annum for grazing lands to 62& cents for rough, unimproved |