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Show and eighteen years, eligible to attend said school, to send such child or children to said school for a period of nine months in eaqh year, or during the annual term, unless snch child or children is or are excused from such attendance by the principal or superintendent of a i d School, upon its being shown to the satisfaction of said principal or superintendent that the bodily or mental condition of such child or children has b&n and is such as to prevent his, her, or their attendance at school, or ap- p- lication at study for the period required, or that such child or children is or are taught in the public schools, private school, or at other school or at home in snch branches as are usually taught in public schools: Provided, That in case the Government of the United States or the State of Idaho does not make provision for free transportation of said child or children to and from their homes to said school, then he, she, or they shall not he liable to the provisions of this act, unless the, reside leas than ten miles from such srhool. Sm. 2. It shall be the duty of all principals or superintendents of the school or schools mentioned in this act, before attempting to enfo~ceth e provisions of thisact hereinafter mentioned, to serve, or cause to be sewed, a demand for the attendance of certain children, naming them, and also designating the school to which their attendance is required, upon the parent, guardian, or other person having charge of said child or children as may he eligible to attend said school over which he has charee. and a coov of this act: and, snch parent.. euardian. or other uerson havin-g cha&of said ch:lid or childin shall have ten days to either delivei said child or children at said school or to the principal or superintendent thereof, or furnish satie factory proof that the bodily or-mental condkion of said child will not admit of attendanoe. SEC. 3. If, at the expiration of ten days after such notice or demand, the parents, guardian, or other person having charge of said child or children shall have failed or refused to comply with this act, the principal or superintendent shall cause a demand to he madeupon wch parent, guardian, orotherperson for the amountof the penalty hereinafter provided: and if such parent, rmardian., or Derson shall nenlect or refuse A to pay the skne within five days after miking mid demand, the sup&ntendent or -p rinci-p al shall commence proceedinm in the name of the State for the recovem of the fine hereinafter provided, hefoKany court having jurisdiction: %tided, hat nothing in this act shall apply to any child or children who in or are actually and necessarily compelled to labor for the support of such parent. SEC. 4. Any parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of my child or children, failing to comply with the provisions of this act, shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for the firat offense, nor less than ten dollars nor more than fiftv dollars for the second offense and each subsequent offense, beside the cost of colleckou. SEC. 5. All fines collected under the provisions of this act shall he paid into the county treasury, the same to be placed to the credit of the general school fund. SEC. 6: All acts and park of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Approved on the 12th day of March, 1901. FRANK W. HUNT, G O U ~ T . Full opportunity has not as yet been had for testing this law, but its provisions indicate that the people of that State are willing to cooperate with this department in compelling attendance. Supt. H. B. Peairs, of Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kana., collated data on the need of wmpulsory education furnished by 180 agentci, superintendents, and supervisors in the Indian school work, of which number 176 were heartily in favor of some compulsory legislation. 8593-01-2 |