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Show I EXHIBITION OF INDIANS. Carrying out itb policy not to allow Indians under its jurisdiction to be taken for show and exhibition purposes, this office has during the past year declined to recommend that permission be granted for any persons or companies to secure Indiins for such purposes. In but one instance have Indians been allowed to leave their reser-vation to take part in local celebrations. The Department, July 18, 1901, directed that 30 Utes from the Southern Ute Agency, Colo., be allowed to attend the quarto-centennial jubilee held it Colorado Springs, Colo., the first week in August, upon the assurance given by the authorities having the celebration in charge that the Indians would be properly protected and would be allowed to take part only in the "historic parade." With the understanding, therefore, that these Utes would not otherwise be exhibited and would be allowed to stay in Colorado Springs but two days and that the Government would be at no expense, they were allowed to attend. July 1,1901, Chief White Eyes, an Indian belonging to the Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency, Okla., telegraphed from Cleveland, Ohio, that 16 Indians were stranded at Cleveland from "Buckskin Bill's" show, and being without money were unable to get to their homes in Oklahoma. The office replied by telegram m fo lows: You will have to look to your employer for means to get home. You took the risk and you have no one to blame but yournelf. Office hss no funds to aid you. I Since then nothing has been heard from these Indians, who ran away from their reservation to join the show. t ALLOTMENTS Ah4 PATENTS. The progress made in allotment work since the last annual report is as follows: ALLOTXENTS ON RESERVATIONS. During the year patents have been issued and delivered to the fol-lowing Indians: Cheyenne and Amp~hoi,n Oklahoma ........................... 4 Chippewa of Lake Superior, on the Bad River Reservation, Wis ... 5 Chippewa of the Miasissippi, on the Chippewa. Reservation, Minn.. 361 Chippewa of the Mississippi, on Leech Lake, Caws Lake, and other reservations in Minnesota ..................................... 479 Colville Reservation in Washington (restored portion). ........... 423 Grande Ronde Reservation in Oregon ............................ 1 Mandan and other Indians on Fort Berthold Reservation, in South Dakob ...................................................... 948 Oto, in Oklahoma .............................................. 440 Ottawa, in Indian Temtory.. ................................... 1 Yakima, in Washington ........................................ 603 |