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Show SUMMER SCHOOLS. what knowledee more necesaarv than that of wmmon. evemdav details that con-tribute so .arzely to the happioesa or onhspplness of the &&pants. Whateror else n girl may ,teed to know, aheaorely must wqnlre the art of home making if she i to do succeszfullv her "art in the life she enters. And even if her husband ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ --.--- ~~ chance to be a brain worke;. he will be a better one for knowinn slso how to do DISCIPL~IEN AN INDIASCNHO OL. [A. 0. Wnroer, sopervisor of Indian a0hoals.l Pupils should not be treated in snvh a way that they will want to run away, and if a pnpil is so rebellinns that he ran not hecontrolled by mild meannres.11 18 better to di9miss him from the avhool tbsn u, have him r~tuirin and excite tho other pnpils. Certain things may he said in relation to pnniahment that are tbe result of experience, and apply to Indian schools as well as to any other. It is not the severity but the certainty of the punishment that makes it effective. Punish-ments should, as far as possible, be made to fit the offense and be natorally con-nected with it. Thus, destruction of property should be punished ljy paying for the property: tardiness, by making up the lost time. Punishments shonld never be admini~teredi n anger. The pupil should always be glven ample time to be heard in his own defense, and in case of doubt, that doubt should be construed in his favor. The ~ecnliaritieao f Indian character and the diffionltvof communica-ting Idens to pipils only partly familiar mth our langoage mike ic uocrssary for all who deal vith the Indian pupils to h:ive more pnrirnw th:tn i* rlece.sary wth whitechildren Aneela'ted unrt of discinline is to wxt-11 for the nnnilswho are getting ready to g.et i n 6 mischief and to tdres~eciapl ains with th;&ao as to prevent the ootbreakl Military drill for the pnpils is discipline in the best sense. It trains in habits of order, obedience, ~romotnessa. nd accuracy. I t teaches DrODer oarriaxe of the Ludy an.1 concert m6vem&nts. Thrrc is no &sou why g r i a should noflearn to mrtr:h i l l nnilorm time as well as I q n . Ir i4 11op~d rhar wms will soon 1,e fur-uiille i 10 rlln r,ur,ila bs the Government. but in the meantirno the simnle drill in the company moGemerits without arms Gill be of great advantage. ARE INDIAN SCHOOlS REACEINTGE E PROPER STANDINIGN CHARACTEBRU II,DINGl? [W. E. BWBHp. r i n ~ i ptle acher Chiloeeo School, Oklahoma.] Unhesitatingly we answer, yes. We should inflnence the children in forming the right habits of thought and action. forthelamof hahitentersintoand controls our character more than we reallze. It is work which commandaoor beat powgrs, for its results are eternal. |