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Show REPORT OF THE U O ~ S S I O N B R OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 109 I Shawnee, Oklahoma and Missouri Coal and Railway Company.-This company was authorized by the Department November 9, 1899, to I locate and survey a line of railroad commencing at Sharvnee, Okla., 1 . and extending thence northeaster!^ to the west line of the Indian Terri-tory. Kovember 10, 1899, authority was granted for the company to locate and survey its line of road from the west line of the Indian Territory, at or near the town of IEeokuk Falls, Okla., and extending thence northeaeterly through the Seminole, Creek, and Cherokee nations, in the Indian Territory, to the east line thereof, near the 1 town of Seneca, Mo. June 2, 1900, the Department granted further . authority for the location and survey of an extension of thb company's I line commencing at a point on the main line at or near the town- ~ ship corner between townships 13 and 14 N., ranges 15 and 16 E., in the Creek Nation, and extending thence southeasterly to the city of Fort S ~ i t hA, rk., with the condition that if the map8 of definite loca-tion of the extension should show that the line of road is located within 10 miles of a line already con~~ructeodr, in actual course of construction, the company would be required to show how the public 'interests would be promoted by the location and construction of snch extension before the maps of detinite location would be approved. September 5,1900, the Department accepted the proofs of service and approved the maps of definite location of sections 1, 3; and 5, and also approved one part of each of sectional maps Nos. 2 and 4. The Depart-ment declined to approve the other parts because the certificates attached thereto were incorrect. These maps were returned to the company September 8, 1900, for correction. October 3, 1900, the Depart-ment approved corrected maps of sections 2 and 4, being the first and third 20-mile sections in the Indian Territory.' May 4, 1901, the office transmitted to the Department map of definite location showing the survey of 14.20 miles of the main line, terminating at Muscogee, Ind. T. These maps were approved by the Department May 9, and Special Agent Reynolds was designated to assess the damages arising by season of such survey and location. June 7, 1901, H. B. Dexter, president of the company, submitted maps of definite location show-ing a line of survey from Mnscogee to Fort Gibson, in the Creek and Cherokee nations, a distance of 7.96 miles, and July 25, 1901, the maps were approved by the Department. All maps were approved under the act of March 2, 1899. The schedules of awards of damages submitted by Special Agent Reynolds June 21 show as follows: Tribal damages awarded the Sem-inole and Creek nations, $13,423.70; individud damages awarded occu-pants of the Seminole and Creek nations, $50; individual damages awarded occupants in the Seminole and Creek nations, to which the I occupants dissent, $62.75; individual damages awarded Potawatomi |