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Show 8OUMER SCHOOLS. 491 thamltalvas, and that,I take it, is the kind of expression we'teachers should strive to svrurc. Tho nccevlity for lmttnr salsrics an11b otrer eqnipyed ~nduntriaol mploy-, was diacuased by Superintendents Ilart and l'rarr, and Sopervisor Wright. All were of rho opinion that in order to so:ure 1110 ser\'ices of properly eqolpped teachers for the indostrid deoartlnents of the school bettsr salarie* were neceawv. ;re skilled mechanics wdhd not accept employment in Indian schools becaum?.hey could get better pay for their services in other positions. INDUSTRIAL OPENINGS FOR INDIANS, EAST AND WEST. [Col. R. H. Pn2.m. sumrintendent Carlisle School, Pennsyllssnia.1 If rho Indian is to bocome a good ritiaen of the United Stares he must face all the couditrou? whicl! llresent them~elves to sl. other citizens. He must taka hi8 chances in hls attelnuts to secure emnlovlnenr iust a8 the white man must. The Indian is auscevtibl6 of rapid chana;. "Eis ch"maoter a& hahita are easy uffectarl by LIYo nviinnmenr~h, is tea..hiigs, and I he examp:es set for him. T h way t , do witlr an ludian ie to pnrh hifir. into rho mill nud he will grind out civil. ired. The Indian Lov most seek his ~mnlormr,njru st as a white bov moat. and if he has had the training- he will succeed, eist or west, just as wellvas the white boy will. THE BEST EDUCATION~b FIT STUDENTTSO MAKE A LIVINGW HEN THEY RETURN HOXE. |