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Show 180 DR. J. E. GRAY ON A N E W COLOBUS. [Feb. 27, antice producta, angusta, rotundata, postice lata, angulata, oblique truncata ; margine ventrali concavo, anteriore hiante, margine dorsali arcuato ; superficie valvarum irregulariter concentrice striata, epidermide olivacea induta, ad umbones erosa ; umbonibus parvis, anterioribus ad \ longitudinis testce positis ; intus margarita luteo-alba, versus marginem ventralem ceerulescente. Long. 135, alt. sub umbones 15, ad partem posteriorem 28, lat. 14 mill. Hab. Forest-streams, near Chyavetas, Upper Amazons. This exceedingly beautiful species was discovered by Mr. E. Bartlett. DESCEIPTION OF PLATE XIV. Fig. 1. Luponia castanea, p. 178. 2. Otostomus rubrovariegatus, p. 178. 3. lamas, p. 179. 4. Xesta de-crespignii, p. 179. 5. Aglaia farrisi, p. 179. 6. Mycetopus falcatus, p. 179. 6. Notices of a New Species of Colobus and of another Monkey from Zanzibar. By Dr. J. E . G R A Y , F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. (Plate XV.) Dr. Kirk has kindly sent to the British Museum a series of animals in spirits, from Zanzibar-amongst them some species which, I believe, have not before been described, and some other specimens which will enable known species to be better understood. I will, on a future occasion, as soon as I have been able to examine them more carefully, send an account of these specimens to the Society. M y object now is to lay before the Society a notice of a new species of Colobus, which I propose to call COLOBUS KIRKII, sp. nov. (Pl. XV.) Head with long divergent hairs, forming a kind of cap, bent back over the forehead. The crown of the head, back, and tail red brown, end of tail rather paler; the nape, upper surface of hands and feet, and outside of the upper and forearm and of the thighs blackish; the forehead, cheeks, throat, side of the neck, chest, underside of the body, inner side of the limbs and the hind legs, and the hinder edge of the arms and thighs greyish white ; a few bristly hairs on the eyebrows black. Hab. Zanzibar (Dr. Kirk). The British Museum contains specimens of all the known species of Colobus, except Colobus verus of Van Beneden. This new species is quite distinct from them, and cannot be confounded with the above species described and figured by Van Beneden. It is most like Colobus ferrugineus, but is quite distinct from all the |