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Show 48G DR. A. GUNTHER ON N E W BATRACHIANS. [June 25, largest is only 35 millims. long, the length of the hind limb being millims. POLYPEDATES NASUTUS. (Plate XXXIX. fig. 2.) This species will be readily recognized by its extremely prolonged and pointed snout, which is as long as the width between the anterior angles of the orbit; in other respects it is similar to Polypedates eques. The nose projects far beyond the mouth ; canthus rostralis angular, loreal region grooved, eye large, tympanum more than half as large as the eye. A narrow glandular fold runs from the back edge of the eye, above the tympanum, to the shoulder; upper parts and throat quite smooth ; abdomen finely granular; lower side of the thigh with large white tubercles, those in a series below the arm* being largest. Fingers not webbed; disks of fingers broad, of toes moderate ; second finger much shorter than fourth, which is nearly as long as the third. The membrane between the toes reaches to half the length of the fourth, and does not extend to the disks of the four others. The third and fifth toes are nearly equal in length ; at the base of the first is a small tubercle. Heel with a skinny spur-like appendage. Above greenish olive, with darker bands across the limbs ; sides of the head and body blackish, with a yellow band commencing on the tip of the nose, narrower before the eye and broader behind it; lower parts nearly uniform yellow, with a black edge round the lower jaw. Vent black. W e have received a single female specimen from Southern Ceylon ; it is 60 millims. long, the length of hind limb being 95 millims. POLYPEDATES CAVIROSTRIS. (Plate XXXIX. fig. 1.) Similar in habit to Polypedates reticulatus. Head large and broad, snout short, canthus rostralis angular and arched, loreal region deeply concave. Eye of moderate size ; tympanum distinct, ovate, one-third the width of the eye. Limbs of moderate length, tbe length of the body being equal to the distance between vent and heel. Fingers scarcely webbed, disks moderately developed; toes broadly webbed, the interdigital membrane extending to the disks of the third and fifth toes. A small moveable tubercle at the base of the first toe. Heel without spur, but the hind margin of the tarsus is fringed ; a patch of pointed tubercles below the vent. Upper parts with very minute tubercles or granules symmetrically arranged ; vomerine teeth on a very short prominence, situated at the inner anterior angles of the choanae. Upper parts reddish olive, finely marbled with black on the sides and caudal region. Lower parts whitish, throat speckled with brown. Limbs with a few indistinct dark cross bands ; the hinder side of the thighs is not coloured. W e have received one example from Southern Cevlon ; it is 45 millims. long, the length of the hind limb being 77 millims. POLYPEDATES RUFESCENS. Fingers broadly webbed, the well between the two outer fingers |