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Show 1868.] ON N E W VERAGUAN BIRDS. • 389 in the colouring of both sexes. Above, the male is of a rich brick-dust red, without any of the greyish tinge of P. hepatica,; below of the same colour, but brighter than above. Corresponding differences are met with in the opposite sex-the female of P. testacea being of a uniform yellowish olive above, and of a much brighter yellow below, than that of P. hepatica. 2. CHLOROSPINGUS HYPOPHAEUS. Supra flavicanti-olivaceus, loris cinereis : subtus pallide fulves-centi- fuscus ; gutture flavo, medialiter fere albicante; hypochondriis et crisso olivaceo perfusis : rostro nigricanti-corneo mandibula ad basin albicante: pedibus fusco-olivaceis: long. tota 5*5, alee 2*7, caudce 2*0, tarsi 0*7, rostri a rictu 0*65. Hab. Veragua, Calovevora (Arce). Obs. Similis C. flavigulari; sed crassitie minore, corpore subtus fuscescente nee clare cinereo, et gutture medio albicante differt. Sclater's specimen of C. flavigularis from Nanegal (P. Z. S. 1860, p. 86) is somewhat intermediate between this species and C. flavigularis. It has the dull-coloured under surface of the former bird ; but its throat is wholly yellow, and its crissum yellowish green, as in the latter. Several specimens of C. hypopheeus are in Arce's most recent collection. The sexes, as determined by him, are marked alike. 3. LEPTOTRICCUS SUPERCILIARIS, sp. nov. Supra viridi-olivaceus; alis caudaque nigricantibus, flaricanli-olivaceo extus marginatis; pileo et collo postico nigricanti-cinereis, superciliis castaneis ; linea frontali et regione parotica albis : subtus margaritaceo-albus, pectore, prcecipue ad latera, cinereo perfuso, ventre et crisso flavicantibus; subalaribus albis: rostro nigro, pedibus fuscis: long, tota 4*0, alee 20, caudee 2*0, rostri a rictu 0*55, tarsi 0*65. Hab. Veragua, Chitra (Arce). This remarkable species seems to agree best in generic characters with Leptotriccus sylviola of Brazil, having the long slender tarsi, small delicate feet, pointed wings and long tail which distinguish that form, though the bill is somewhat larger and rather wider. It may be at once recognized by the small but distinctly marked superciliary stripe, which commences above the lore and passes to the back of the eye. The second primary is equal to the fourth in length, and hardly exceeded by the third; the fifth is barely shorter than the fourth; the first is long, but rather shorter than the seventh. Two specimens of this apparently undescribed species are in Arce's collection. 4. EUPHERUSA EGREGIA, sp. nov. Supra leete viridis, remigibus primariis fuscis purpurascente tinctis, secundariis ad basin castaneis, horum autem apicibus purpurascentibus: subtus nitenti-viridis, ventre albicante: |