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Show 1868.] DR. J. E. G R A Y O N T H E SUIDAE. 21 flattened above and rather thickened on the upper edge; concavity of the cheeks separated from the orbit by a broad ridge. Males with the upper edge of the nose warty in front, and with a large process from the upper part of the sheath of the canine tooth. Females with only a ridge across the base of the sheath of the canines. b. DOMESTICATED SWINE. The ears more or less dependent, often very large. Colour black, white, or variegated; young like parents. Skull short; facial line sunken ; forehead and top of nose flat; nose margined on the sides. 4. SCROFA. Face smooth or nearly so. Skull-sheath of upper canine with a longitudinal ridge at the base. 5. CENTURIOSUS. Face strongly concentrically wrinkled. Skull- sheath of upper canine with a large rounded tubercle at the base. B. ABNORMAL SWINE (BABIRUSSINA). Cutting-teeth 4/6 ; inter-maxilla and maxilla in front, forming a large diastema between the cutting-teeth and grinders ; canines erect, parallel; the sheaths of the upper canines bent up from the base, and closely applied to the side of the jaw ; premolars |^, the front ones early deciduous. 6. BABIRUSSA. Fam. 2. DICOTYLIDAE. Teeth 38 :-Cuttingi-gt-teeeetthh -|=-J,, the outer lower small; canines, upper bent downwards; grinders ^-^. Back with a gland. Tail none. Teats 2. Toes 4 . 3 ; the outer hinder toes absent. Hab. America. 1. NOTOPHORUS. Side of face in front of the orbit dilated, spread out. 2. D I C O T Y L E S . Side of the face in front of the orbit flattened. II. The premolars deciduous, their place being occupied by the development of the molars. Fam. 3. PHACOCHCERIDAE. Teeth variable :-Grinders 6/6 ; premolars ~, early deciduous ; canines subcylindrical, upper very large, recurved; the last molar very large, convex, divided into many conical cusps. Toes 4.4; two hinder on each foot small, shorter. Hab. Africa. 1. PHACOCHCERUS. |