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Show 1868.] DR. J. E. GRAY ON THE CANIDAE. 515 D. THE FOXES. The tail elongated, reaching to the ground, covered with abundance of soft hair forming a brush, icith a gland above the base. Eyes often nocturnal, with oblong erect pupils. 11. VULPES. Muzzle long. Temporal crests of the skull linear or nearly linear. Ears moderate, erect, acute. Tail with soft fur and long hairs uniformly mixed. Bullae of the ear-bones moderate, oblong, strongly keeled, angular. Vulpes, Baird, Mamm. N. A. 121. * Large. European. 1. VULPES VULGARIS. FOX. B.M. Canis vulpes, Linn. S. N. i. 59; Blainv. Osteogr. t. 4 (skull) ; Gray, Cat. Mamm. B. M. 59. Vulpes vulgaris, Brisson, R. A. 239; Gerrard, Cat. of Bones of Mamm. 86. Var. Tail-end black. Canis alopex, Linn. S. N. i. 59. B.M. Renard charbonnier, Buffon, H. N. vii. 82. Brant Fox, Penn. Var. crucigera. Fulvous, with a black dorsal cross. Vulpes crucigera, Brisson, R. A. 240 ; Gesner, Quad. f. at p. 90 ; Aldrov. Quad. Digit. 221, f. at p. 222. Cross Fox, Penn. Hab. Europe. Var. melanogaster. B.M. Vulpes melanogaster, Pr. Bonap., Gerrard, Cat. of Bones of Mamm. 86. Hab. Italy. ** Large. African. 2. VULPES NILOTICA. Sebora or Tahaleb. B.M. Skull-crown-line narrow behind, elongate triangular in front half. Canis niloticus, Geoff. Cat. Mus. Paris; Desm. Mamm. 204; Lechl. Doubl. 4 ; Riippell, Zool. Atlas, 41, t. 15 ; Gray, Cat. Mamm. B. M. 60. C. eegyptiacus, Sonnini, Nouv. Diet. d'H. N. vi. 524; Riippell, Zool. Atlas, t. 15; Ehrenb. Symb. Phys. t. 19. Vulpes niloticus, Gerrard, Cat. of Bones of Mamm. 85. Hab. North Africa ; Egypt. Called "Tahaleb " by the Egyptians, "Sobora" by the Arabs. Skulls 172 a, b, c, d. Length 5, width 2| inches. 3. VULPES ADUSTA. The Burnt Dog. Canis adusta, Sundevall, Gerrard, Cat. of Bones of Mamm. 85. Hab. South Africa. Caffraria (Sundevall). |