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Show 40 DR. J. E. GRAY ON THE SUIDAE. [Jail. 9, The British Museum has a series of thirteen skulls of the Domestic Pig ; all have very similar characters (see Gray, P. Z. S. 1862, 16). They are known by the shortness of the skull, the side of the nose being bluntly keeled; the cheeks concave, the concavity extending up to the edge of the orbit, and being separated from the aperture of the orbit by only a narrow ridge; the frontal line is more or less concave. The skull of the male has a distinctly marked transverse ridge on the base of the sheath of the upper canine ; in the young male it is only slightly indicated; in the skull of the female and young pigs it is not to be seen. 717 a. Skull of an old male from Africa, from the Gambia (Sus gambianus, Gray, List M a m m . B. M .; Gerrard, Cat. Bones B. M. 277). Forehead flat (see Sus scrofa hybridus, West-African Pig, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 325). 713 h. Skull of an old male, from Africa. Forehead rather convex. 713 r. A very similar skull of an old male, purchased at a sale. 713 o and 713 t. Two nearly adult skulls, from the Museum of Dr. cle Jeude. 713^9. A skull of an old specimen, diseased, from the Zoological Society's Gardens. 716 r. A skull of a young specimen from India, from the Museum of the Zoological Society ; inscribed with Indian characters. Named Sus indicus. 713 q. Skull of a young Berkshire Sow. 713 e. Skull of a young Domestic Pig. 713 s. The skull of a very young Domestic Pig. This skull has an abnormality in the cutting-teeth. There are six in the upper jaw; the first two are in their natural position, and in their proper place ; the two hinder ones on each side are close together, just in front of the suture of the intermaxillary bone, the front one being elongated, slender, conical, and bent outwards, and the hinder one short, broad, conical, and compressed. The canine on the right side is double; that is to say, the new one has appeared before the old one has been shed. 713 w. Skull developing its last grinder, from the Museum of Dr. de Jeude. 713 t. Skull of an adult, with the nose of the skull more elongated ; from the Utrecht Collection. Probably half-bred between the Wild Boar and the Domestic Sow; it has the flat forehead, concave facial line, and the keeled side to the nose before the orbit, of the Domestic Pig, and the length of the face like the wild breeds. 5. CENTURIOSUS. Face deeply and symmetrically furrowed. Ears very large, falling down. Tail moderate. Skull-forehead and upper part of the nose flat, smooth, keeled on the sides; sides of the cheek concave ; the sheath of the upper canine tubercular above ; upper canines co'min°* |