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Show W a ite , Edgar E ., F.L.S., Zoologist, Australian Museum, Sydney. On the Habits of the Sydney Bush-rat (Mas arboricola). With a Note by Oldfield T homas, F.Z.S. ........................................................................... W allis, H. M., M.B.O.U. On the Growth of Hair upou the Human Ear, and its Testimony to the Shape, Size, and Position of the Ancestral Organ. (Plates X IX .-X X II.) .. W alsingham, T iiomas, Lord, M.A., LL.D., F.E.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S. On the Micro-Lepidoptera of the West Indies. (Plate X L I . ) .................................................................. Eevision of the West-Indian Micro-Lepkloptera, with Descriptions of new Species ............................ W alsingham, T homas, Lord, and H ampson, G. F., B.A., &c. On Moths collected at Aden and in Somaliland. (Plate X . ) ...................................................................... W arburton, Cecil, M.A.,Christ's College, Cambridge. On a remarkable Attid Spider from Borneo, Mantisatta trucidans, n. g. et sp................................... AVard, E owland, F.Z.S. Exhibition of a skin of Grevy's Zebra (Equus grevyi) from Somali-land............................................. W arren, W . , M.A., and Elwes, H enry J., F.E.S , F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. On new Genera and Species of Moths of the Family Gcometridce from India, in the Collection of H. J. Elwes. (Plates X X X .-X X X lI .j .................... 102 1897, 857 1897, 298 1891, 492 1897, 54 1896, 257 1900, 384 1893, 473 1893, 341 Page |