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Show T rimen, R oland, F.R.S., F.Z.S. On Butterflies collected in Tropical South-western Africa by Mr. A. W. Eriksson. (Plates YIII. & IX.) .............................................................................. 1891, 59 On the Occurrence of a rare Fish (Lophotes ctpedi-anus) at the Cape of Good Hope................................ 1891, 483 On a Collection of Butterflies made in Manica, Tropical South-east Africa, by Mr. F. C. Selous, in the year 1892. (Plates IV.-VI.) ........................... 1894, 14 Letter from, with reference to Dr. A. G. Butler's remarks on his paper on Butterflies from Mauica .. 1894, 606 U iiler, P. R., of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. A List of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera collected in the Island of St. Vincent by Mr. Flerbert H. Smith; with Descriptions of new Genera and Species . . . . 1893, 705 A List of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera of the Families Anthocoridce and Ceratocombidce collected by Mr. H. H. Smith in the Island of St. Vincent; with Descriptions of new Genera and Species................... 1894, 156 On the Hemiptera-IIeteropfcera of the Island of Grenada, West Indies................................................. 1894, 167 An Enumeration of the Hemiptera-Homoptera of the Island of St. Vincent, W.I. .. ........................... 1895, 55 U rich, F. W., and M ole, R. R. Notes on some Reptiles from Trinidad ............... 1891, 447 Biological Notes upon some of the Ophidia of Trinidad, B.W.I., with a Preliminary List of the Species recorded from the Island ............................ 1894, 499 V incent, Swale, M.B. Lond. Notice of a Memoir on the Suprarenal Bodies in Fishes and their Relation to the so-called Head-kidney .......................................................................... 1895, 091 101 Page |