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Show R eed, Edwyn C., C.M.Z.S. On the Chilian Hymenoptera of the lamilv Or, di ynend■ ic e .. . ............... . •............ . . . 1803, 685 K endall, Dr. Percy, F.Z.S. Field-Notes on the Antelopes of the Transvaal .. 1895, 358 Eidewood, W. G., D.Sc., F.L.S., F.Z.S., Lecturer on Biology at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, London. On the Ilyoid Arch of Ceratodus............................ 1894, 632 On the Structure and Development of the II\o-branchial Skeleton of the Parsley-Frog (Pelodytes punctatus). (Plate X X X V .) .................................... 1897, 57/ On the Development of the Hyobranchial Skeleton of the Midwife-Toad (Alytes ohstetriccnis). (Plate I I .)...................................................................... 1898, 4 On the Skeleton of Regenerated Limbs of the Midwife-Toad (Alytes obstetricans) ............................ 1898, 101 On the Relations of the Efferent Branchial Blood-vessels to the " Circulus Cephalicus " in Teleostean Fishes. (Plates LXI1I.-LXA . ) ........... 1899, 939 R omanes, G eorge J o h n, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., F.Z.S. Remarks on some results recently obtained from the Cross-breeding of Rats and Rabbits................... 1892, 476 R e d t e n b a c h e r , Prof. J., & W a t t e n w y l , C. B r u n n e r y . On the Orthoptera of the Island of St. A inceut, AVest Indies. (Plates X V .-X V I I .) ............................ 1S92> 196 R o t h s c h i l d , Hon. W a l t e r , M.P., LL.D., F.Z.S. Description of a new Pigeon of the Genus Carpophciga. ^Plate X X V I I I . ) ...................................... 1891, 312 |