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Show F orbes, H enry Ogg, LL.D., F.Z.S. Observations on the Development of the Rostrum in the Cetacean Genus Mesoplodon, with Remarks on some of the Species. (Plates X I I .-X V .) ........... 1893, 216 Remarks on the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature ............................................ ................................ 1896, 322 F orsyth M ajor, Dr. C. I. See M ajor, Dr. C. I. F orsyth. 39 Page F owler, G. H erbert, B.A., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Zoology in University College, London. On two Sea-pens of the Family Veretillidce from the Madras Museum. (Plate X X I I .)........................ 1894, 376 Notes on some Specimens of Antlers of the Fallow Deer, showing Continuous Variation, and the Effects of Total or Partial Castration. (Plate X X X IV .).. 1894, 485 Contributions to our Knowledge of the Plankton of the Faeroe Channel.-No. I. (Plate L.) . . . . . . 1896, 991 Contributions to our Knowledge of the Plankton of the Faeroe Channel.-No. I I ................................... 1897, 523 Exhibition of an abnormal specimen of a Crab ( Carcinus mcenas) ........... ............ .................................. 1897, 721 Contributions to our Knowledge of the Plankton of the Faeroe Channel.-No. III. The Later Development of Arachnactis albida (M. Sara), with Notes on Arachnactis lournei (sp. n.). (Plate X LV II.) ......................................................................... 1897, 803 Contributions to our Knowledge of the Plankton of the Faeroe Channel.-No. VI. Description of a new Mid-water Tow-net. Discussion of the Midwater Fauna (Mesoplankton). Notes on Doliolam tritonis and D. nationalis, and on Parathemisto abi/ssorum......................................................................... 1898, 507 |