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Show Bateson, W il l iam , and B rindley, H . H ., M .A ., St. John's College, Cambridge. On some cases of Variation in Secondary Sexual Characters, statistically examined ............................. 1892, 585 B ather, F. A., M.A. On Uintcicrinus : a Morphological Study. (Plates L IV . -L V I .) ..................................................................... 1895, 974 Beddabd, F rank E., M.A., F.R.S., Vice-Secretary and Prosector to the Society. Contributions to the Anatomy of the Kagu (Rhino-chetus jubatus) ................................................................ 18.91, 9 On an Earthworm of the Genus Siphonogaster from West Africa............................................................ 1891, 48 On the Pouch and Brain of the Male Thylacine.. 1891, 138 Preliminary Account of an Earthworm from West Africa referable to a new G en u s ................................. 1891, 172 Notes on the Anatomy of Dolichotisjpatagonica . . 1891, 236 Remarks on the Earthworms of British Central Africa .............................................................................. 1891, 312 Additional Notes upon Hcipcdemur griseus........... 1891, 4-19 On the Earthworms collected in Algeria and Tunisia by Dr. Anderson............................................... 1892, 28 Abstract of a Memoir entitled " Contributions to the Anatomy of the Anthropoid Apes " .................... 1892, 118 On some Species of the Genus Perichceta (sensu stricto). (Plates IX . & X . ) .......................................... 1892, 153 Notes on the Anatomy and Osteology of the Indian Darter (Plotus melanogaster)............................. 1892, 291 On s om e Aquatic Oligochaetous W o rm s ................ 1892, 349 On the Brain and Muscular Anatomy of Aida-codu s................................................................................... 1892, 520 7 Page |