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Show 42 Page G ibson, E rnest, F.Z.S. Field-notes on the Wood-Cat of Argentina ( Felts cjeoffroyi) ......................................................................... 1899, 928 G odman, F. D uCane, F.R.S., and Saltin , Osbert, M.A., F.R.S. On the Butterflies of St. Vincent, Grenada, and the adjoining Islands of the West Indies ................ 1896, 513 G odwin-A usten, Lieut.-Col. II. H., F.B.S., F.Z.S., &c. On a Collection of Land-Shells made in Borneo by Mr. A. Everett, with Descriptions of supposed new Species.-Part II. Zonitidae and Helicidse. (Plates I I .-V I .) .............................................................................. 1891, 22 On new Species and Varieties of the Land- Molluscan Genus Diplommatina from the Garo, Naga, and Munipur Hill-ranges, Assam ............................. 1892, 509 On some new Species of the Land-Molluscan Genus Alycceus from the Khasi and Naga Hill Country, Assam, Manipur, and the Ruby Mine District, Upper Burmah; and on one Species from the Nicobars..................................................................... 1893, 592 List and Distribution of the Land-Mollusca of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, with Descriptions of some supposed new Species........................................... 1895, 438 G odwin-A usten, Lt.-Col. H. II., and Collinge, W alter E., F.Z.S., &c. On the Structure and Affinities of some new Species of Molluscs from Borneo. (Plates X I .-X IV .) 1895, 241 G oeldi, Dr. Emil A., C.M.Z.S., Para. Critical Gleanings on the Didelphyidat of the Serra dos Orgaos, Brazil ............................................. 19Q4 jn - |