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Show G ahan, C. J., and Gorham, The Rev. H . S., F.Z.S. On the Coleoptera collected by Mr. W. Bonny in the Aruwimi Valley, Central Africa ........................ 1892, 90 G ahan, C. J .; Peel, C. V. A . ; A usten, E. E . ; Dix e y , F. A . ; D ruce, H erbert ; A rrow, G. J . ; M cL achlan, R . ; Burr, M . ; and Pocock, R. I. On a Collection of Insects and Arachnids made in 1895 and 1897, by Mr. C. V. A. Peel, F.Z.S., in Somaliland, with Descriptions of new Species. 41 Page (Plates I . - I V . ) ................................................................ 1900, 4 G ardiner, J. Stanley, M.A., F.Z.S., Fellow of Gon-ville and Caius College, Cambridge. On some Collections of Corals of the Family Pocilloporidce from the S. W. Pacific Ocean. (Plates LVI. & L V I I .) ................................................................ 1897, 941 On the Perforate Corals collected by the Author in the South Pacific. (Plates X X III. & X X IV .) .. 1898, 257 On the Fungid Corals collected by the Author in the South Pacific. (Plates X L II I.-X L V .) ........... 1898, 525 On the Turbinolid and Oculinoid Corals collected by the Author in the South Pacific. (Plate LX II.) 1898, 994 On the Astrseid Corals collected by the Author in the South Pacific. (Plates X L V I .-X L IX .) ........... 1899, 734 G arstang, W alter, M.A., F.Z.S., Fellow and Lecturer of Lincoln College, Oxford. On the Gastropod Colpodaspis pusilln of Michael Sars. (Plate X L I V . ) ................................................... 1894, 664 G errard, E dward, J un. Exhibition of a large head of a Koodoo Antelope (Strepsiceros kudu) ....................................................... 1891, 145 |