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Show Pa^e H olland, W. J., Ph.D., F.Z.S., F.E.S., &c., Chancellor of the Western University of Pennsylvania. A Preliminary Revision and Synonymic Catalogue of the Hesperiidce of Africa and the adjacent Islands, with Descriptions of some apparently new 49 Species. (Plates I .-V .) ............................................... 1896, 2 H olt, E enest W. L., Naturalist on Staff, M.B. Assoc. Studies in Teleostean Morphology from the Marine Laboratory at Cleetliorpes. (Plates X X V I I I .- X X X .) ............................................................................. 1894, 413 Exhibition of, and remarks upon, some advanced larvas of the luminous Fish Scopelus glacialis........... 1898, 279 On the Breeding of the Dragonet ( Callionymus lyra) in the Marine Biological Association's Aquarium at Plymouth; with a preliminary account of the Elements, and some remarks on the significance of the Sexual Dimorphism. (Plate X X V I.) . 1898, 281 Contributions to our Knowledge of the Plankton of the Faeroe Channel.-No. V. Report on a Collection of very young Fishes obtained by Dr. G. H. Fowler in the Faeroe Channel. (Plates XLVI. & X LV II.) ........................................................ 1898, 550 H olt, E enest W. L., and B yrne, L. W., F.Z.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, specimens and drawings of a supposed new Sucker-fish (Lepado-gaster stictopteryx)............................................................ 1898, 589 H owes, Prof. G. B., LL.D., F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. On the probable Existence of a Jacobson's Organ among the Crocodilia ; with Observations upon the Skeleton of that Organ in the Mammalia, and upon the Basi-Mandibular Elements in the Vertebrata. (Plate X I V . ) ..................................................................... 1891, 148 Peoc. Z ool. Soc. I ndex, 1891-1900. 4 |