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Show W oodward, B. B., and Siierborn, C. D av ie s. On the Dates of the ‘ Encyclopcdie Methodique ' (Zoology) ...................................................................... 1893, 583 On the Dates of the ‘ Encyclopcdie Methodique ' : Additional Note ......................................................... 1899, 595 W oodward, H enry, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., V.P.Z.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, an abnormal pair of antlers of the Red Deer ................................ 1898, 924 W oodward, M. P., Demonstrator of Zoology, Royal College of Science, London. On the Milk-Dentition of Procavia ( ffyrax) cajjensis and of the Rabbit (Lepus cuniculus), with Remarks on the Relation of the Milk and Permanent Dentitions of the Mammalia. (Plate I I . ) ............... 1892, 38 Description of an Abnormal Earthworm possessing Seven Pairs of Ovaries. (Plate X I I I . ) ................... 1892, 1S4 106 Page Further Observations on Variations in the Genitalia of British Earthworms. (Plate XXIV.) . . . . 1893, 319 Contributions to the Study of Mammalian Dentition.- Part I. On the Development of the Teeth of the Mcicropodidce. (Plates X X X V .-X X X V II.) 1893, 450 Contributions to the Study of Mammalian Dentition.- Part II. On the Teeth of certain Insectivora. (Plates X X I I I .-X X V I .)............................................. 1896, 557 W eight, Professor R. R amsay, F.Z.S. Letter from, enclosing photographs of the heaps of skulls of the American Bison collected on the Saskatchewan Plains..................................................... 1892, 76 T erbury, Lt.-Col. J. W., 11.A., F.Z.S., and T homas, O ldfield, F.Z.S. On the Mammals of Aden .................................... 1895, 512 |