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Show G r an t , W. E. O gtlvie, of the British Museum (Natural History). On the Birds of Hainan. (Plates X X X I I I . & X X X I V .) ......................................................................... G regory, J. W alter, D.Sc., F.Z.S. Notice of a Memoir giving an account of his researches on the British Paleogene Bryozoa . . . . Remarks on the factors that appear to have influenced Zoological Distribution in Africa ; and exhibition of, and remarks upon, a series of photographic slides, illustrative of his recent Expedition to Mount Kenia ............................................................ On Lysechinus, a new Genus of Fossil Echinoderms from the Tyrolese Trias. (Plate L I .) ........... On the Classification of the Palaeozoic Echinoderms of the Group Ophiuroidea .......................................... G unther, A lbert C. L. G., M .A ., M.D., F.R.S., Y.P.Z.S. Remarks on the Fishes of British Central Africa. Description of a remarkable Fish from Mauritius, belonging to the Genus Scoiycena. (Plate X X X IX .) Report on a Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians transmitted by Mr. H. H. Johnston, C.B., from Nyasaland. (Plates X X X I I I .-X X X V .) . . . . Second Report on the Reptiles, Batrachians, and Fishes transmitted by Mr. H. H. Johnston, C.B., from British Central Africa. (Plates L III.-L V II.) Descriptions of the Reptiles and Fishes collected by Mr. E. Coode-Hore on Lake Tanganyika. (Plate L Y I I I .) .............................................................................. Report on the Collection of Reptiles and Fishes made by Dr. J. W. Gregory during his Expedition to Mount Kenia. (Plates Y I I I .-X I .) ......................... 44 1900, 457 1892, 477 1894, 165 1896,1000 1896,1028 1891, 312 1891, 482 1892, 555 1893, 616 1893, 628 1894, 84 Page |