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Show D uges, A lfred, M .D . Description d'un Ophidien nouveau du Mexique ( Oreophis boulengeri, g. et sp. nn.) ............................. 189/, 284 Description d'un Genre nouveau dOphidiens, Oeatrcictus.......................................................................... 1898' 539 D urham, Miss M. E dith. Notes on the Mode of Feeding of the Egg-eating Snake (Dasypeltis scabra). (Plate X X X I I . ) ........... 1896, 715 E dwards, James, F .E .S ., and E lwes, H. J., F .L .S ., F.Z.S. Notice of a Memoir containing a Revision of the European and Asiatic Butterflies of the Family Hesperiidce.......................................................................... 1896, 609 E lliot, G. F. Scott, M.A. Remarks on some of the principal Animals collected and noticed during a recent Expedition to Mount Ruwenzori, in British Central A fr ica ........... 1895, 339 E lwes, H enry John, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S. On Butterflies collected by Mr. W. Doherty in the Naga and Karen Hills and in Perak.-Part I. (Plate X X V I I .)................................................................ 1891,249 On Butterflies collected by Mr. W. Doherty in the Naga and Karen Hills and in Perak.- Part II. (Plates X L III. & X L IV .) ........................................... 1892, 617 Remarks on the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature. 1896, 320 E lwes, H enry John, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S., and E dwards, James, F.E.S. Notice of a Memoir containing a Revision of the European and Asiatic Butterflies of the Family Hesperiidce......................................................................... 1896? fiog 36 Page |