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Show H armer, Sidney F., D.Sc., M .A ., F.R.S., F.Z.S. Notice of a Memoir on the remains of a Deer from the Forest-Bed series at Pakefield, near Lowestoft......................................................................... 1899, 715 H artert, E rnst. Exhibition of a series of Birds' Eggs associated with Eggs of Cuculus canorus, and remarks upon the mimicry of Cuckoos' Eggs ........................................... 1892, 2 Exhibition of, and remarks upon, two new Mammals from Dutch New Guinea, aud a stuffed specimen of Apteryx maxima...................................... 1892, 541 Remarks on the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature ............................................................................. 1896, 319 H ickson, Sydney J., M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.Z.S. Abstract of a Memoir, entitled " A Revision of the Genera of the Alcyonaria Stolonifera, with Description of one new Genus and several new Species " ......................................................................... 1892, 594 On the Species of the Genus MilJepora: a preliminary Communication.......................................... 1898, 246 Notes on the Collection of Specimens of the Genus Millepora obtained by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner at Funafuti and Rotuma.............................................. 1898, 828 H iles, I sa L., B.Sc. (Viet.), of Owens College, Manchester. Report on the Gorgonacean Corals collected by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner at Funafuti. (Plates I .- IV.) 1899, 46 47 Page H ill, L eonard, M.B. Remarks on some Experiments on supposed cases of the Inheritance of Acquired Characters............... 1896, 785 |