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Show Brady, G. Stewardson, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., C.M.Z.S. Notice of a Memoir on the Crustaceans of the Group Myoclocopa, obtained during the ‘ Challenger ' Expedition, with Notes on other new or imperfectly known Species ................................................................ 1895, 827 Notice of a Memoir on new or imperfectly known Species of Ostracoda, chiefly from New Zealand .. 1898, 203 Notice of a Memoir on the Marine Copepoda of New Zealand..................................................................... 1899, 381 B ramley, W . E. Jennings-. See Jennings-B ramley, W . E. Bridge, Prof. T. W., D.Sc., E.Z.S. On certain Features in the Skull of Osteoglossum formosum. (Plate X X I I .) .......................................... 1895, 302 Abstract of a Memoir on the Morphology of the Skull in the Paraguayan Lejpidosiren and other Dipnoi .............................................................................. 1S97, 602 On the Presence of Bibs in Polyodon (Sjpatulciria) folium................................................................................... 1897, 722 B rindley, H. II., M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge. On a Specimen of the White Bream (Abramis blicca Bloch) without Pelvic Pins. (Plate X .) . . . . 1891, 108 On Regeneration of the Legs in the Blattidce . . 1897, 903 On certain Characters of reproduced Appendages in Arthropoda, particularly in the Blattidce. (Plate LV1IL) .............................................................................. 1898, 924 B rindley, H. H., and Bateson, W., M.A., E.R.S. E.Z.S., &c. On some ca.ses of "V ariation in Secondary Sexual Characters, statistically examined ............................. 189^ 585 22 Page |