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Show __ Pni(« D ruce, H amilton H ., F.Z.S., F.E.S. (continued). A Monograph of the Bornean Lycceniclce. (Plates X X X I .-X X X IV .) ....................................................... 1895, 556 Further Contributions to the Knowledge of the Bornean Lycamidce. (Plates X X IX .-X X X I .) . . . . 1896, 650 B ruce, H amilton H ., and Beteiune-B aker, G. T., F.L.S. A Monograph of the Butterflies of the Genus Thysonotis. (Plates X L V .-X L V I I .) ........................ 1893,536 D ruce, H erbert, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. Descriptions of new Species of Lepidoptera Heterocera from Central and South America. (Plates X IX .-X X I .) ....................................................... 1893, 280 Druce, H erbert ; P eel, C. Y. A . ; A usten, E. E .; D ixey , F. A . : Gahan, C. J . ; A rrow, G. J . ; M cL achlan, R .; B urr, M . ; and Pocock, R. I. On a Collection of Iusects and Arachnids made in 1895 and 1897, by Mr. C. V. A. Peel, F.Z.S., in Somaliland, with Descriptions of new Species. (Plates I .- IV .) ................................................................ 1900, 4 D ubois, Dr. A lphonse, C.M.Z.S., Curator of the Royal Museum of Natural History, Belgium, Description d' un nouveau Couroucou africain . . 1896, 999 Remarques sur certains Oiseaux supposes nou-veaux.................................................................................. 1897, 782 D uckworth, W. L. H., M.A., Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. Note on an Anthropoid Ape ................................. 1898, 989 Further Note on Specific Differences in the Anthropoid A p e s .................................................................1899, 312 |