OCR Text |
Show Bure, M alcolm ; Peel, C. V. A . ; A usten, E. E .; D ixe y , E. A . ; D ruce, H erbert ; G ahan, C. J. ; A rrow, G. J. ; M cL achlan, R. ; and Pocock, E . 1. On a Collection of Insects and Arachnids made in 1895 and 1897, by Mr. C. Y. A. Peel, F.Z.S., in Somaliland, with Descriptions of new Species. (Plates I . - I Y . ) ................................................................ 1900, 4 Bushell, S. W., C.M.G., M.D., B.Sc., C.M.Z.S. Extract from letter from, on the herd of Cervus davidianus in the Imperial Hunting Park, Peking. . 1898, 588 B utler, A rthur Gardiner, Ph.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c., Senior Assistant-Keeper, Zoological Department, Natural History Museum. On a Collection of Lepidoptera from Sandakan, 25 Page N.E. Borneo. (Plate V I . ) .......................................... 1892, 120 On two Collections of Lepidoptera sent by H. H. Johnston, Esq., C.B., from British Central Africa. (Plate LX.) .................................................................... 1893, 643 On a Collection of Lepidoptera from British East Africa, made by Dr. J. W. Gregory between the Months of March and August 1893. (Plates X X X V I. & X X X V I I.) .............................................. 1894, 557 On Collections of Lepidoptera from British Central Africa and Lake Tanganyika. (Plates XV. & X V I.) ................................................................ 1895, 250 On a small Collection of Butterflies sent by Mr. Richard Crawshay from the country west of Lake Nyasa. (Plate X X XV.) ................................. 1895, 627 On a small Collection of Butterflies made by Consul Alfred Sharpe at Zomba, British Central Africa .............................................................................. 1895, 720 On Lepidoptera recently collected in British East Africa by Mr. G. F. Scott Elliot. (Plates X L II. & X L I I I .) .............................................................................. 1895, 722 |