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Show J a c o b y , M a r t in , F.E.S. (continued). Further Contributions to the Knowledge of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Africa, including Madagascar.- Part II. (Plate X X X I Y .) ................ Additions to the Knowledge of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Africa.-Part I. (Plate X X I I .) Additions to the Knowledge of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Africa.-Part II. (Plate X X I .) . . . . On new Genera and Species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from South and Central Africa. (Plate X X . ) .................................................................................. Jennings-B ramley, W. E. On Loder's Gazelle in Egypt, and the Mode of its Capture by the A ra bs............................................... Jentink, Dr. E. A., E.M.Z.S. Letter from, referring to additional specimens of the Bush-rat (Pithechir melanurus) ............................. Letter from, containing remarks upon Cercopithecus aterrimus .......................................................................... Jentink, Dr. F. A., and Sherborn, C. D a yie s, F.Z.S. On the Dates of the Parts of Siebold's ‘ Fauna Japonica ' and Giebel's ‘ Allgemeine Zoologie ' (first edition)..................................................................... Johnson, G. L in d sa y , M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S., F.Z.S. Observations on the Refraction and Vision of the Seal's Eye ................................................. On the Pupils of the Felidce...................... Observations on the Ophthalmoscopic Appearances of the Eyes of the Order Primates. (Plates I I .-V I .) 52 1897, 527 1898, 212 1899, 339 1900, 203 1895, 863 1892, 2 1895, 338 1895, 149 1893, 719 1894, 4S1 1897, 183 Page |