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Show B erlepsch, Graf I I ans ton, and Stolzmann, Jean (continued). On the Ornithological Researches of M. Jean Kalinowski in Central Peru. (Plates X II I. & X IV .) 1896, 322 Bernard, H . M . ; A ndrews, C. W . ; Smith, E dgar A .; K irkpatrick, R . ; and Chapman, F. On the Mariue Fauna of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). (Plates X II. & X III.) ................ 1900, 115 B ethune-B aker, G. T.,F.L.S., andDRUCE, H amilton H ., F.Z.S. A Monograph of the Butterflies of the Genus Thysonotis. (Plates X L V .-X L V I I .) ........................ 1893, 536 B ingham, Lt.-Col. C. T., F.Z.S., F.E.S. A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Hymeno-pterous Fauna of Ceylon. (Plate X Y .) .................... 1896, 401 B laauw, F. E., C.M.Z.S. Exhibition of specimens of the Long-tailed Tit shot in Holland . , ........................................................ 1891, 330 Exhibition of, and notes upon, a young Wondrous Grass-Finch (Poephila mirabilis) and a nest and eggs of this species ................................................................ 1891, 465 Letter from, containing remarks upon the breeding of the Ypecaha Rail and Darw in's Rhea in confinement .................................................................................. 1893, 531 Remarks upon drawings of the heads of two North- American Swans (Cygnus americanus and G. buccinator) .............................................................................. 1894, 606 On the Breeding of the Weka Rail and Snow- Goose in Captivity ........................................................ 1899, 412 Notes on the Zoological Garden of Berlin........... 1900, 299 B lanford, W. T., LL.D., F.R.S., Y.P.Z.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, two heads and a skin of the Yarkand S t a g .......................................... 1892, 116 13 Page |