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Show 398 POLYPI. AMATIA, Lamour.-SERRIALARIA, Lam. . d ·n certa.m P1 a ce 8 ' like the pipes of an or- Where they are umte ' 1 • gan ( 1) · • h h e speci• es m• which the cells, thus du- We might distinguts t os posed, form a sp.l ra1 line round the stem. I ANTENNULARIA, L am.- CALLIANYRA, I. . amour, h lls form horizontal rings round the stem(2). Where t e ce Thus the name of SERTULARIA proper . d to those .m w h' h the cells are placed on both Becomes restncte . 1 (tC3 ) or alternately( 4). 'fh e fi rst S'ldes of the stem, either opposite y ' x under the name of Dyna- are even agam. separate d by Lamourou menes. 1 small we have his genus THOEA(5). Where the cells are extreme y · Ell Cor. XV, b, B. Cf la ' nten (1) Sertularia knd~ge;a, b~n ed ~his name to NEMBRTEBIA;-uertu na a . (2) Lamouroux bas smce c : C·-Nemert. ramoaa, Lamour., Ell., lb., b. • Gm Ell., Cor., I~, a, A, ' ' all I b B·-S. tamarindus, lb., a, A;- mna, ., . . Gm Ell., Cor ., ' ' ' S u (3) Sertularia abtetzna, ., S. l zonias Ell., Cor., II, a, b, A, B;- . cupr • S filicula, Sol. and Ell., c. C;·- . poif c c·'-S. thuya, lb., V, b, D;-8. cupru- n:n a, Ib ., m ' a, A; S. argentea1, 7lb80., IX' 's 4' ,-8 ' z•; chenastrom, Ell., Cor., VbI , aI, 'des Lepech., Act. Petrop., ' ' . '1 2· S fuscescens, Bast., Op. su s., , 7:.-s. race17Wsa, Cavol., Pol. Mar., III, ;~78; p: Ii, VII, B ;-S. pinus, Id., 1780, 6·'-S. obsoleta, Lepech., Act. Petrop.,. / C . 'I IX 1 2·-S. CU8cuta, Ell., Cor., XlV, 'b ·B·-S pinastrom, Sol.andEll.,TJ, P · ·• ' ' ' Ell C ral III, · ' ' S d' t'cha (4) Sertulariaoperculata, .. , 0A i C·-S. pumila, lb., V,a, A;- · zsz : b ll·-S. rosacea, Ell., Cor., lV, a,. ' Id, 'Ib 3·-Dinam crisiu'ide, Zool. de Frey no· se', Vers, Ill, XX.I X, 2 ;-S. • pelasgtca, ·' ., ' . f. 12 B C For other subgenera em., pl. :x:c,la ... lu:eledna Gm., Ell., Cor., X, a, A, ' . CnloDocu-see ( 5) Sertu . rta . . ' Lamourou:x:-P .A.STTIIE.A., S.A.L.A.CIA, nres del established m thts famll~ by UU6 and his Expos. M~thod.' des ge his Hist. des Polyp. fle~tbles, Svo, ' Polyp. 4to, 1821. CORALLIFERI. 399 FAMILY II. CELLULARII(I ). Where each Polypus is adherent in .a corneous or calcareous cell with thin parietes and only communicates with the others by an extremely tenuous external tunic or by the minute pores which traverse the parietes of the cells. These Polypi bear a general resemblance to the Hydrre. CELLULARIA, Lin. Where these cells are so arranged as to form branching stems in the manner of the Sertularire, but without a tube of communication in the axis. Their substance also is more calcareous. Lamouroux separates from them CRISIA, Where the cells, placed in two (usually alternate) ranges, open on the same face(2). AC1AMAROHis, Where, with the same arrangement we find a vesicle at each open-ing( 3). ' (1) The PoLYl'Es ~ CELL'ULEs of the original. Am. Ed. (2) Sertularia eburnea, Gm., Ell., Coral., XXJ, a, .A;-S. 6t:r'Upo8G, Id., XX, c, c. -8. reptam, Ib., b, B, E, F;-S. fastigiata, Ib., XVIII, a, A. (3) 8ertularia mritina, Gm., Ell., Corall. XIX, a, A, B, c. .. ·J • |