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Show 268 INSECT .A. PAcHYSTOMUS, Lat. . 'nts the last of which Where the antennre are comp osed of three JOl ' is dividetl into as many rm· gs (l)• f the Decatoma, Lat., we :find In the second sectJ· on, that o · ·nts the last of wh 'I C h, d of three JOl ' • . antenn:e always compos~ ta and divided Jnto eight the longest, W·i th. ou t stileatn do ra lmseo s't cylindrical or I· n t h e fio rm rl.ngs is clavate 1n some, h The wings are usnally ' ·n the ot ers.. . of an elongated cone I The tarsi are furnished With three incumbent on the body. pelTlehtes.s e Insects may b e unl. ted in one generic section. XYLOPHAGUS. e much 1o nger than the head, with ~t he t.w o In some the antennre ar . d r long compressed, ormmg first joi~ts very short ~nd the ~h~~cu;:t: in th'e middle, the inferior a strangulated club, shghtly g d and the other an oval palette. porn.o n resem bling an elodn gate cone, The scutellum is unarme • HERMETIA, Lat. Fab.(2) much longer than the head, The antennre of the others ar~. n~v~:al or elongated and conical and terminate by an almost cy m r joint. . · 1 ss Here, the scutellum lS spme e • X YLOPHAGus, :Meig. Fa b. Lat. Or Xylophagus proper, where the body is narrow and elongated, M~thod. al-ticle Pachystome. (1) Lat., Gener. Crust. etlnsect., IV,~~~; ~:sc;c~: Germ., l;xvii, 9, the female; The larva of the p, syrplwi'de! Pa~;·, Fpa r~sembles that of a Tabanus. lives under the bark of the Pme; 1 s pu - (2) See Lat., and Fab. DIPTERA. 269 nnd the antennre are evidently somewhat longer than the head, and terminated by an almost cylindrical joint. The head is short, trllnsversal, and without any particular elevation anteriorly. X. ater, Lat., Gen. Crust. et Insect., I, xvi, 9, 10. Elongated; black; the mouth, a line on each side of the thorax, scutellum and legs, yellow. Found in the month of May, in the wounds, 8tc. of the Elm( 1 ). AoANTHOMERA, Wied. Where the antenna::, as long as the head at most, terminate by a joint, forming an elongated cone, or almost resembling a punch, and compressed, of which the first ring is larger than the others; in this respect it bears some analogy to that of Tabanus. The head is hemispherical and the eyes are very large. The abdomen is broad and :flattened, and the interocular space presents inferiorly a projection in the form of a horn ot· pointed rostrum. The two joints of the palpi are of equal length. In another genus RAPHIORHYNOHus, Wied. The first joint of these palpi is very short, and the second, much longer, terminates in a point. The remaining characters are identical with those of Acanthomera. The species of both these genera belong to South America(2). There, the scutellum is armed with spines. In these, the antenna:: are simple. CCENOMYIA, Lat. Meig.-Sicua, Fab. They are closely allied to the two preceding subgenera. The antenore are hardly longer than the head, with the third joint conical or in the form of a punch; the first is evidently longer than the following one. The pal pi are very apparent and cylindrical, terminate in a point and consist of two equal joints. The scutellum is armed with two spines. C. ferruginea; 8icua ferrugineua, Fab., Meig., Dipt., II, xii, {1) The same works. Aleig., Macq., family of the Xylophagi, and Wled. (2) Wied., Dipt. Exot., II, 1, 1. |