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Show 136 INSECTA. Dimorpha, Jur. AsTATA, Lat.- 11 sessile, the second h close d c ubital cells, • a the rad ial has an ap· Where there are t ree recurrent nervure.s, d and the eyes closely of which receives t~e t;~he mandibles are blfi ' . h extremlty o pendlx,. t eted superiorly( 1). approx1ma Lat. Jur. NnsoN, mber of cubital h same nu 'or w.m gs also have t ed w h e re the radial has no Where the superl d is petiolate, an . 1 point and the eyes cells, but where the sdeicbolne s terminate m· a s1mp e append1· x. The man are distant(2). LUS Lat' Jur. Oliv. O:nBE ' eiving a single re· b't 1 cell, rec . but one closed cu 1 a t and contorted, and th.e Where there lS "~"'h antennre are sh~rd The mandibles termt· current nerv ure . .1h. eh orter than t he th1r · e or three dentl·lor rm . . · muc s 11 offers on . second JOlUt 1S . The scute urn 'ty of the tarsl pre· . le pomt. d the extrem1 d nate in a s1mp 'b're are spinous, an k their nests in the sand, an . t The tl 1 ~ les ma e ) pom s. ellet. The lema . f Muscides(3 • sents a large .P with the bodleS o prOV.l S.l on the1r larvre NITELA, Lat. b t where the antennz . ut one closed cubital cell, :d third joints areof Likewise W1th b . ght and their secon~ a teeth . there are lmost stra1 ' · ate m two ' 'al are longer, a The mandibles terml? . the tibire; the tarst equal leng~h. he scutellum nor spmes on 'ther pomts on t ~ m~ . pellet is very sma •. ated in others, as m The eyes are emargm PxsoN, Spin. Lat. . . . h perior wings, the second very Three c 1o se d cubital cel'l s m t e su (1) Lat., Ib~d., 67. ' . . ' (2) Lat., lbld., 90. M6thod., article Ox,bele. Ib'd 77• Encyc. (3) Lat., 1 ' C' st et Insect., IV, 77. (4) Lat., Gen. ru . HYMENOPTERA. 137 smalJ, petiolate, and receiving the two recur·rent nervures, a character which approximates the subgenus to Nysson(I). 7. The last division of the Fossores, that of the CRABRONITEs, only differs f1·om the preceding one, inasmuch as these Insects, which usually have a ve1·y large head, almost square, when viewed from above, and their· antennre frequently largest at the extremity o1· clavate, have an abdomen either oval or elliptical, and widest in the middle, or narrowed at base into an elongated pedicle, and as if terminated by a club. In some, the antennre are inserted below the middle of the anterior face of the head; the clypeus is short and wide. Sometimes the eyes are ,emarginated. TRYl>OXYLoN, Lat. Fab.-.Bpius, Jur.-Sp!tex, Lin. Where the mandibles are arcuated and dentated. The superior wings have but two closed ·cubital cells, each receiving a recurrent nervure, the second cell is small and less distinctly marked, as well as a third, that which is incomplete and almost reaches the tip of the wing. The abdomen is narrowed at base into a long pedicle. T. .figulus; Spltex figulus, L.; Jur., Hymenop., IX, 6-8. Black and glossy; the clypeus covered with a silvery, silken down. The female takes advantage of the holes excavated in old wood by other Insects, and deposits her· eggs there, along with the little spiders destined to nourish her larvre. This done, she closes the orifice with moist earth(2). Sometimes the eyes are entire. Here, the mandibles are narrow and merely dentated at the extremity, 01· terminate in a simple point, with a single tooth beneath or on the inner side. The antennre are approximated at base. GoRYTEs, Lat.-.Orpactus, Jur.-Mellinua, Oxybelus, Fab. Where there a1·e three complete, sessile and almost equal cubital cells, of which the second receives the two recurrent nervures. The mandibles are moderate and unidentated on the inner side; the antennc: e are rather thickest near the extremity. The metathorax pre- no(t 1o) f LJuatr.i,n Ieb. id., 75, genus Tacl~ybulu8; and 387, genus Piaon of Spinola, and (2) Lat., Gen. Crust. et Insect., IV, 75. VoL. IV.-S |