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Show 358 ENTOZOA. PENNELLA, Oken, . h d with two small horns, and d 1 pe furms e The head is inflate ' t lena. 1 transversely rugose, and pro-the neck corneous;. the .bodyfi~:m~:~~ arranged like the laminre of a 'd d posteriorly w1th httle . se from the commencement v1 e long filaments an feather. The two ve~y . f th.ls plumous portiOn. G 1 • Boccone, Mus., 286; Ellis, o t la filosa me ., . . . P fi . losa; PennaI IuI xx 15' . F rom seven to. e1ght mches m Phil. Trans., LX ~ ' he flesh of the Xipluas, Thynnu.s, and length; it penetrates mt? t them horribly. It is found m the Orthagoriscus, tormentmg Mediterranean( 1 ). In a third group, SPHYRION, Cuv. . . d d n each S"l d e l"1 ke a hammer, and the moudth The head lS Wl ene o k . lender and followed by a e· . h k • the nee lS s ' d . is furnished Wlth oo s, h' h besides the two long cor s, IS d cordiform body, w lC ' pressed an . h" k bundle of hairs(2). provided Wlth a t lC In a fourth,. ANoHoRELLA, Cuv. h ·us by a single production, which The animal is only fixed tot e a~ld is directed posteriorly(3). or1. g.m at es underneath the body, In a fifth, BRAOHIELLA, Cuv. inences somew h a t similar to two a·r msI,f We observe two prom b which the animal fastens ltse which unite in one corneous body, y to the gills( 4 ). 7 ·· 6· Pen· . 1 M t' n J ourn. de Phys· ' Sept. 178 , u,• '~ 3 1 Add L~ ctrrhosa, a. ar l • ' N t Cur pars U, pl. XXIV, 1· • neh} ifwdonti-8, Chamiss.' and. Eisenhardt, ~c~a ~·., V ~;. de Freycin., Zool. pl. (2) The Chondracanthe lme, Q.uoy an Y . t 10 mon on several Gadt. L~~X~ tdunca, Stroem., Sondmo.er., pl. i, f. ts~:::_~~a salmonea, Gisler; (4) Brachiella thynni, Cuv. Regn. Amm., pl. xv, . , NEMA'fOIDEA. 359 In a sixth, CLA VELLA, Oken, We find none of these appendages, the animal merely fastening itself by the mouth( I). In these three last groups the hooks of the mouth are well marked; their strings are but slightly elongated, and sometimes the posterio1• portion of the body is provided with other appendages. .In consequence of a recent examination, I place here the CHoNDRAOANTHus, Laroch. Where the 'mouth is also furnished with hooks, and the sides of tlt.e body with appendages, so extremely various as to form and number, that in process of time we shall have to subdivide them. Thus, in some, we observe on each side two sorts of arms more or Jess clongated(2). In others there are several pairs partly forked(3), or even more ramous(4). Some again hav.e a slender neck, and a wide body slashecl on the edges( 5). Act. Suec., 1751, and Encyc. M6thod., Vers, pl. LXXVIII, f. 13, 18;-L. Pernettiana, Blainv.; Pernetti, Voy. aux Malouines, I, pl. i, f. 5, 6-two badly fgured species. The L. huclwnis, Schrank., Trav. in Bav. pl. I, f. A, D, is still worse, There are several others. I think that this and the preceding group will re-enter the LEllN:EOl\I:TZ.lB, Blainv., which in that case must be differently defined. (1) Lerrta3a uncinata, MUll., Zoo!. Dan., I, xxxiii, 2;-L. clavata, Id., lb., i, These CLAVELLJE of Olcen form the LERN.IEA proper of M. de Blainville. (2) Lernrea radiata, MUll., Zoo!. Dan., XXXIII, 4;-L. gobina, Id., lb., 3. The first is the type of the genus AN ONEs, Oken. (3) Lerruea cornuta, Id., lb., 6, and several new species. (4) Clwndracanthus zei, Laroche, Bullet. des Sc., May 1811, pl. 2, f. 2. (5) Let"!UlJa triglte, Blainv., Diet. des Sc. Nat., xxvi, p. 325; Cuv. Regn. Anim. pl. xv. 1 N.B. M. de Blainville arranges my Chondracanthi in his genera LERN'ElUfTOME, LtRNACANTUE and LERN.A.NTBROPE. N.B. The Lernma pectoralis, Miill., Zool. Dan., XXXIII, f. 1, is a Calygus, and the L. asellina, It. West. Goth., IIJ, 4, also seems to be one of the same, but disfigured. |