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Show 46 INSECTA. seta composed of five distinct, cylindrical, a~d elongated joints. The anterior extremity of the head usually projects( 1 ). CEncoPxs, Fab. Germ.-Jlphrophora, Germ. Where the third joint of the antennre is conical and terminated by an inarticulated seta. C. sanguinolenta, Fab.; Cigale a taches rouges, Geoff., Insect., II, vii, s. Four lines in length; black, with six red spots on the elytra.-In woods. C. spumaria; Cir.ada spumaria, L.; Rres., Insect., II, Lo~ust., xxiii. Bt·own, with two white spots on the elytra near the1r exterior margin. Its larva lives on leaves in a spumous and white fluid, called Ecume p1'intanih·e, C1'achat de Grenouille(2). In the other Cicadaric:e that complete this family, and which in the early works of Fabricius composed his genus Cicada, the prothorax is not prolonged posteriorly (or hardly not) and terminates at the height of the origin of the elytra in a straight line, or in one that is nearly so, the length of which is almost equal to the width of the body. The scutellum, measured at base, occupies a large portion of this breadth. Two very prominent eyes, a head projecting somewhat beyond those organs, but depressed anteriorly, and forming a sort of arch at the summit of the elevated portion of the face, situated directly beneath, two superior posterior ocelli, and, finally, by an exception in this division, legs destitute of spines or teeth, distinguish the EuLOPA, Fall. To this subgenus belongs the species which he calls the E. obtecta; Cercopis ericre, Arb., Faun. Insect., JII, 24. is about one line in length; reddish and spotted with white; the elytra are marked with two oblique bands of the same colour, (1) The Cicada adspersa and marmorata, Fab.; his Fulgora adscendens, &c. I presume that several other species of the genus Cicada of this author, and of the Teiligonia of l\1. Germar, should also be referred to it; my collection of them, however, not being sufficiently numerous, I content myself with these indicia. (2} This species, and some othet· Cercopes of Fabricius form the genus .!lphrfJ" phora of .M. Germar. The posterior margin of the head is concave, and their simple eyes are more distant from each other than in Cercopis proper. See hi• Magas. der Entom., \'Ol. IV. HEMIPTERA. 47 and numerous and projecting nervures. · 'fhe he~d is broad and as if trunc"ted anteriorly(!). Et:PELIX, Germ. Wh~re the head .is :nuch flattened and forms an elong~ted triangle~ wuh the ocelli situated before the ordina1·y eyes on its edges, wh~ch are prolonged over those organs and intersect them Iongitudmally th1·oughout the greater portion of their extent(2). PENTHIMIA, Germ. Where the antennre are inserted in a large fossula, which narro,~ s, more than is usual, the space comprised between the eyes. 1 he head, which viewed from above appeat's semicircular and gr.adually inclined a~teriorly, is rounded, and its edges project above th1s fossula. The s1mple eyes are situated neal' the middle of the vertex. The body is short. These Insects at a first glance somewhat resemble the Cercopes, and in fact Fabricius confounds them(n) Near this subgenus we should apparently place that of the Gv;;NA Germar, of which however I have never seen a specimen( 4). ' JAssus, Fab. Germ. Where the vertex or superior plane of the head . compl'ised between the eyes is .very short, transversal, and linear, or in the form of a bow~ and p~ojects but little beyond the eyes even in the middle. The lam1nre which support the sides of the clypeus are large. The anten.nre are terminated by a long seta. The ocelli flre situated near lts anterior margin, and even under it( 5). In TETTIGONIA, Oliv. Germ.-Cicada, Lin. Fab. . Or the Cicadell~ or Tettigonire, properly so called, the head, viewed from above 1s triangular, without however being much elon~ gated or flatte~ed; a character which distinguishes these Insects from the Eupehces. The eyes are not cut by its edges. The sim- (1) Germ., Magas. der Entom., IV, p. 54. (2) Ibid., p. 53; Cicada CUB]Jidata, Fab. (3) The C. atra, luemorrhoa, sanguinicollia, Germ., Magas der Entom IV p 47 (4) Germ., Ibid., p.?'3. · ., ' · • (5) Germ., Ibid., p. SO. |