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Show TH PRINCIPLE O SCIENTIFI MANAGEMEN 1 be an evolution representing the survival of the fittest and best o the ideas which have been developed since the starting of each trade However, while this is true in a broad sense, only those who ar intimately acquainted with each of these trades are fully awar of the fact that in hardly any element of any trade is there uniformit in the method Dpermog SClentif ent diffe - Tanageetting th the righ [y left t e to giv managens desir| as th Js don )i man 500 t nfy 1 s hav outh Jope jstan WhiC work ette Thu id t whic are used Instea of havin only one wa which is generally accepted as a standard, there are in daily use say, fifty or a hundred different ways of doing each element of th work And a little thought will make it clear that this mus inevitably be the case, since our methods have been handed dow from man to man by word of mouth, or have, in most cases, bee almost unconsciously learned through personal observation Practically in no instances have they been codified or systematicall analyzed or described. The ingenuity and experience of each generation - of each decade, even, have without doubt handed over bette methods to the next This mass of rule of thumb or traditiona knowledge may be said to be the principal asset or possession o every tradesman Now, ip the best of the ordinary types of management, the managers recognize frankly the fact that the 500 or 100 workmen, included in the twenty to thirty trades, who are unde them, possess this mass of traditional knowledge, a large part o which is not in the possession of the management The management, of course, includes foremen and superintendents, who themselves have been in most cases first-class workers at their trades And yet these foremen and superintendents know, better than an one else, that their own knowledge and personal skill falls far shor of the combined knowledge and dexterity of all the workmen unde them The most experienced managers therefore frankly plac before their workmen the problem >f doing the work in the bes and most economical way They recognize the task before them a that of inducing each workman to use his best endeavors, his hardes work, all his traditional knowledge, his skill, his ingenuity and hi good-will -in a word, his "initiative," so as to yield the larges possible return to his employer The problem before the management, then, may be briefly said to be tha initiative of every workman And the write tive"' 1in its broadest sense, to cover all of th for from the men On the other hand, no intelligent manage of obtaining the bes uses the word ""initiagood qualities sough would hope to obtai in any full measure the initiative of his workmen unless he felt tha he was giving them something more than they usually receive fro their empioyers Only those amon the readers of this paper wh |