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Show 92 NARRA'riVE oP from a watery grave. "And now, my young friends," said the Captain, "I wish you to make yourscl vcs pc1·· fcctly at home in my vessel ; and ns soon as I can with safety restore you to your friends, I shall do so." "Permit me to .inquire," said Albert, "to what port you are destined?" "W c do not go iuto any harbor in the United States," replied the Captain; "but should we meet with a merchant vessel under favorable circumstances, you will be placccl on board." "Is not this a merchant vessel?" inquired Albert. "No, sir. This is an armed brig." "Of what nation?" asked Albert. The Captain smiled ns, with a courteous bow, be replied, "We arc pirates;" and immediately went on deck, leaving Albert and Mary in perfect amazement. Recovering himself in a moment, Albert said to Mrs. 'l'cmpleton: "Your husband i3 very jocose!" "No, sir; he 'vas serious in what he s..'lid. We arc pirates. But you need be under no apprehension of danger, nor feel the slightest alarm. I know that you have been trained to believe that pirates arc ncecs· sarily devoid of humane feelings, and arc ever tbirot· ing for blood. But I trust we are as hospitable and ALBERT AKD MARY. 93 kind a people to our guests, as arc to be found on 1auU.11 Albert ani! Mary were indeed the guests of a pi rat· ical crew; but they were soon relieved of all appre· hcn~ion of pcrROlUl.l danger; for there was tl1at in the deportment of all on board wbich sati,fietl them of a sincere desire to sen'e and accommodate them in every '"ay. A few days brought them into such intimacy with the crew that they spoke with freedom, even on the subject of piracy. '!.'hey were indeed astonished to find that even Mr. Gracelius advocated tl1e claims of pirates as a civilized and religious people. On board tbe brig tbcy luu] morning and evening prayers, and a. lecture one eycning in tbc week, and two sermons on the Sabbath. What sccmc<l particu· larly re111n.rkablc was the sound cvange1icn1 faith of the Captain and his family, ancl the unexceptionable Lloctrines tll::tt were preached by their minister. rrherc "·as so much fervor, earnestness, and pathos in the Rermons or :Mr. Graeelius, t11at }-[ary was constrninecl to a<lmit to :Mr.;;. rrcmpleton that she bad never he::trd better. 'l'bey had been on tlJC brig about three weeks, |