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Show 118 NARRATIVE OF together in Mary's spacious state-room on board the noble vessel which was just passing Staten Island. "Albert," said Mary, with deep emotion, and the tear in her eye, "I have become an Abolitionist." "And I," said Albert, with yet deeper emphasis, "have become a Christian." "Thank God-thank God I" exclaimed Mary. "0, Albert, I cannot tell you bow happy I am to hear you say so. But I do not need any explanation, for I see through it all. The pirates have made me an Abo· litionist, and the Bible has made you a Christian. I have now learned how to understand its teachings, and you have learned that the precious volume has been grievously tortured to upholcl the evil instead of the good." "It is even so, Mary," replied Albert. " I have been reading and studying with an earnest desire for truth. I find much, in the Old Testament, calculated to bewilder, and much that requires the New Testa· mont to explain. I find, scattered through tl1c Old 'rcstament, holy principles that arc brought into full relief by Jesus Christ, who has, by l1is exant]>L', and in his instructions to his disciples, elucidated what was obscure and rejected from the claims of divino ALBERT AND MARY. 119 authority what was only Jewish misconception. I am satisfied that it docs not uphold violence, oppr<ll!sion, and wrong, and throw around these things the sane· tion of the divine mind. I find that cverytl>ing taught by Jesus Christ is in full harmony with the most benevolent and honorable feelings of the human hca>t, and with the highest sense of justice and consciousness of right, and is cliametricall y opposed to all base carnal passions and affections, and to all that is violative of human equality and brotherhood. " I believe in Jesus Christ. And I had the ideal of such a Saviour for man before I saw that the Jesus of the New Testament is the true Captain of Salvation. And now I find that such a Saviour really exists, I am willing to follow his loadings, although I know it will require self-denials and sacrifices. I tell you, Mary, I found out from reading the Bible that I was :m unregcncrateU man, and needed God's spirit to purify and sanctify my heart; and I have learned this from studying carefully the life and doctrines of Cbrist, wbo, in tbc flesh, gave a full manifestation of the goclheau, and by his •·igldeousness brought to my own view my unrighteousness. "I reacl of Jesus dying on the cross rather than not |