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Show 234 A LE 'fTER. tor, as be prefers, but marshal, jailor, and hangman to boot. :More than tbls, every creature, so faT as other crca· tures arc concerned, has· a right to be bnppy )n l1isown way. Nero bad as much Tight to wish for power to cut off all the heads in Italy at one blow, as an in no· cent pig to wish for capacity to eat all the com in the wor.Jd. Mankind bas no right to punish eitl1cr for the desire or its manifestation, 'rbcy s11ould only make fences to prevent the accomplishment of the wish. Americans have no rigl1t to punish J udgc Grier for wishing to persecute everybody who attempts to en· force State laws against murderous assaults by his officers. They should content themselves with fenc· ing his llonor in, or, if necessm·y, putting a ring in his nose. He has as much right to be J uclgc Grier as George Washington l1acl to be George ·washington, and is no more selfish in following the instincts of his nature, than \Vasbington was in following his. Without any great respect, I <1m your friend, cP'twJ_ cf: /~~ Q)n dfwuom. ONCE I wished I might rchca:-Jc Freedom's p[ean in my Yersc, rrhat tltc sbvc who cangltt the strain Shoulillhrob until he snapt his cll<lin. But tlH· Spirit sJ.id, "Not 80 ; Spc:1k it uot, or ~;pcnk it low ; Name not ligbLly to Lc .saiLl, G ifo too precious to be pmyccl, Passion not to be ex1>rcst But by ],caving of the breast ; Yet,-would'ot thou the mountain find ·where this deity is shrinccl, \Vho gives the seas anil sunsct·skics 1'heir unspent beauty of surprise, And, when it lists him, waken can Brute and savage jnto man i |