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Show E~TF.I\ICJJ 1 accvrdiug to Act of Congro.'IS, In the year JS.H, by AJ.Dt;:N, IJEARDSLEV &. CO., Ill lhc Clerk's Office of the D'strict c .. urt for tl1C Northern District or Now York. 8T.ZRKOTYPKD BY THOMAS .B. SMITH, 216 WilliiLJilSl.N. Y. ll' r dar£. IN commending this, the second volume of " the Autographs for Freedom," to the attention of the public, "TIIE RocnESTEU LADIES' ANTI-SLAVERY SoCIETY" would congratulate themselves and the friends of fTeedom generally on the progress made, during the past year, by the cause to which the book is devoted. We greet thankfully those who have contributed of the wealth of their genius; the strength of their convictions; the ripeness of their judgment; their earnestness of purpose ; their generous sympathies; to the completeness and excellence of the work; and we shall hope to meet many of them, if not all, in other numbers of "The Autograph," which may be called forth ere the chains of the Slave •hall be broken, and UNIVERSl.·T'{ U·r,- ''"""'l : n .~oiE<' ""' 0 ,I ol.l. ... ~~~ 1\1 \o. |